I have been trying to get a good picture of a cardinal for over 5 years and never seem to succeed. They are very illusive and by the time I have fetched my camera they are no-where to be seen. Got a quick shot off at this one this morning, not the sharpest image as it was at the long end of my 80-400 lens. To cap it all the Cardinal is the Indiana State Bird! I will keep trying, they look wonderful when it snows, red on white.
Got some more muddy horses shots so decided to go this route today. Windy and very cold here today so I am staying inside as much as possible LOL
Holy cow, I think it's nice and sharp! What a great story to hear that you've been trying to get this shot for 5 years - I think you succeeded admirably. By the way, I've missed your PaD until now. Just wanted to say that I've looked over your other posts and I'll definitely be coming back! You have some great images with loads of personality.
I LOVE this!!!!! We don't have cardinals in Newfoundland and I've only ever seen one from a distance when I was in Ottawa. They are such beautiful birds.
I know a high school football team in NJ will pay you for these shots. They are the Cardinals. Dah. LOL
What a lovely colourful bird and you have managed to capture it really nicely! Well done :o)
Lori, you've captured one of my favourite birds. I love this one!
I had a cardinal out in my apple tree today but I've almost given up trying to get a good photo of one with my camera I have at present.
Lovely image!
WOW! Great shot! Love it!
I LOVE cardinals. I used to see them all the time when I was growing up in Missouri, but we don't have them here in Colorado. Lovely picture!!
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