I nearly ran out of time today, I was just going outside to find something to shoot when my blacksmith arrived (early) and the rest of my day until 4pm was taken up with shoeing horses and getting a filly that I have sold ready to go to her new home. She has not been ridden much and her new owner is a novice too and wants to do trail riding with her so I wanted to expose this filly to as much as possible before she leaves. She got her new shoes and then went for her maiden voyage out into the wild blue yonder!! Has only been ridden in an arena so far. She did real good. So this is a picture of my trainer Shaun after their ride. Sorry nothing more exciting but that was my day LOL
I love your stories and your pictures. I really don't need anything more exciting. The everyday life is exciting more than any moovie. I'll be coming often looking at your beautiful pictures and reading your little warm stories.
Sounds like a great way to spend the day!! :o)
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