This is BB again running towards me, she is so full of fun. It is a bit dull today but the temps have picked up a bit, still well below freezing and expecting 6 - 12" snow Tuesday thro Wednesday, although that could change, these forecasters are not notorious for being right over the long term. Then expecting another temperature plunge but hopefully only for a few days. We are not out of the woods yet, I feel sorry for the people in New York State, in some places 110" snow already!!!!!
Trying to have a quiet Sunday for a change. Got the plumbing all sorted out but just about had a heart attack when we got the bill :-( but at least we now have water and heat in the house at least, the one barn faucet is still frozen and the other started running again today.
Have a nice peaceful Sunday all.
What a beautiful photo with the horse running towards you, excellent perspective!
Is BB the mother of the horse with the blue eye a couple of shots down? I think she's gorgeous. Really looks full of life and great personality!!
You are giving me the itch to ride again Lori!
BB looks like she is so full of life. I am happy to hear that your heating and plumbing problems have been sorted out. Now all we have to do is wait for spring. It was 32 degrees F here day and it felt warmer.
LOL Anna,
If you were closer to SE London I would recommend a riding stable in Mottingham called Motting Farm Stables. A lady called Yvonne used to manage it, it would be interesting to know if she is still there, and if so to say hi. I used to spend many hours shooting there for the riders. They have about 50 acres of Kings Land which they ride on right in the middle of all the built up suburbs, highways and congestion, it is a refreshing break from all that and only about 6 miles from London central.
Puzzled. No this filly is only 3 years old, she is not the momma of the colt with the Blue eye.
Sorry that should have been Mottingham Farm Stables.
This is the blue roan, right?? I'm working on this color thing. There are so many choices. Glad to hear that you have a little break from the weather. I, too, was greatful that you weren't getting weather like poor NY. I can't even imagine that much snow all at one time. While I love the pictures in the snow, I don't love them enough to live through that. Those poor people. My brother-in-law just moved back from there and he is very happy to be here!!
Sorry about your plumbers bill! They're so expensive but so necessary.
Amazing photo!! She's so gorgeous and the snow is a perfect background for her. What a beauty!!
Beautiful image Lori!! So sorry to hear about your plumbing bill! :o( but glad you have things sorted out now!
Breathtaking photo Lori :)
I love her coloring :)
Oh, I can imagine your reaction to the bill. I have some kind of a problem with bills and payments. Postponning them till the very last moment, not because I don't want to pay, but because it gives me a lot of bad emotions. I'm trying to explain myself, that grown up girls shoud not react this way, but is seems stronger than me.
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