Happy valentines day everyone. This is just one of the photos I have posted, the rest are at the end of this message.
Well the wind had died by this morning and we had 17 inches of snow on the ground but in drifts which is a bit of a pain because you will get patches with nothing then drifts 5 feet high LOL.
After I had trudged back and forth between the barns and house a few times through thigh deep snow I was pretty pooped! Had to shovel quite a bit from the doorways etc and along the paths so it would be easier to go back and forth. Some neighbors tried to plow us out and dig us out, our lane is about a quarter of a mile long so it is very difficult to negotiate without it being plowed after snow. We finally got it all cleared so everyone could get in and out by about 4pm.
I really wanted to put the mares out today because it was reasonably warm 18F and is going to drop dramatically so was a good opportunity, but with all the equipment and drifts covering fences etc. plought etc. I didnt want to chance it. Will try tomorrow, they will have a ball.
I did however let the babies out of the barn and this is the most snow they have ever seen. I have tons of photos of them and dont know which to post. They had a ball, used their noses as snow ploughs, rolled in it, played in it, ran in it and just enjoyed it. It was a beautiful sunny day too which was great.
I feel a lot better today so thank you to all who sent best wishes and support. I REALLY appreciate it, knowing I can come here and vent and that you will all understand and support me is such a godsend.
Enjoy the pics. I am really tired after all the shovelling etc. today so I will get to everyone's blogs tomorrow for my commenting, off to get a bit of beauty sleep, I need it!! More Photos following:
Our local pastor and a friend trying to get a part of the drive cleared. Every time the plow made three feet it got stuck and he had to drag it backwards until it got traction again, and he would roar forward to make another few feet!!! His truck was just too low.
Another neighbor with his 4WD which has a larger and better tyres for the job, he got most of it cleared with this truck with no problem for which we were very grateful.
The babies having their first taste of deep snow, as I said it was in drifts so some was deep and then you would get valleys with nothing. They loved it.
The snow drifted against this barn wall a few feet high, they had fun climbing it and shoving their noses into it.
Wow! Would you look at that snow! Those horses are up to there hocks in that first pic. Amazing!
Glad to hear that you feel better!
WOW! Indeed!! That's amazing snow and stunning images from you as always!!! I am so pleased to hear you are feeling better! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that you continue to be well and warm!!
Happy Valentines Day to you and yours Lori (((HUGS))) :o)
Wow, look at all the snow!! Horses are so cute...they are so playful....funny how they love the snow. My horse loved it too and would dig in it and he loved to roll in it. Glad you have neighbors to help clear the driveway and such! Also glad to hear you are in better spirits...stay warm...we are all sending you hugs!! Thanks for sharing pics!
next winter ... you'd better make space. i think you're going to have a bunch of dpc people over to stay! :)
I love all of these but especially the first one with the horses knee deep in white snow. Very nice Lori!
At least the horses were having fun! That is a lot of snow!
Wow lots of snow and it's deep.....wonderful photos!
Happy (belated) Valentine's day to you! The snow is so beautiful, even though I'm sure it's not always welcome. Nice to see that the babies love it so much :-) So glad you're feeling better.
I am inspired by the way you look at the world. These images are absolutely gorgeous. The stories around them - babies' first exposure to snow, and the community helping dig you out - are also inspiring.
Loved the pictures, Lori. Those babies are so darn cute! I hope you are taking your vitamins and taking care of yourself through all this. I'm thinking of you and yours and hoping you get through the rest of the winter with far less hassle.
Take good care!!
Your stories are so interesting. The amount of snow is impressive. I had no idea the horses like to play in the snow. I hope they don't get cold from it.
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