I keep thinking that things couldn't get worse and every time I think that they Do!!! Today it was minus 2 F again with a max of 8 F. We have a heating and cooling system in our house that runs off of the well/borehole water (Geothermal system). The heating quit at about 10am and I guessed that the freeze we had a few days ago could have something to do with it so I put some heaters in the basement again to see if we could sort it out. Half an hour later I went down to check on the heater which is run on kerosene and there was 3 inches of water in the basement!!! It was pouring out of the one pressure tank that the system works with. I managed to find the switch that turns off the well after turning every circuit breaker off, bombing the computers out because I turned the switch that powers the plugs off and finally found the right one. At least the water had stopped and we have a drain in the basement that took most of the water away within 15 minutes, I just had to mop up the muddles. All the boxes etc. are soaked but fortunately the more important stuff is in plastic containers. I was really worried because now I had no water or heat anywhere on the property and I needed to water the horses. A neighbor came and did a quick job to enable us to at least get water to the inside and outside faucets but not to the heating system late this afternoon and the plumber has just arrived to try to do something to get the heat going again as he has to order another pressure tank and that will take a few days!!! Lets hope it works or I am gonna freeze my butt off LOL.
A load of hay was delivered this morning and thank heavens they unloaded it for me.
I didnt have much time for the camera but saw this silhouette when the afternoon sun shone through the blinds and silhouetted the icicles coming from the roof.
Hope you are all doing well and here's hoping tomorrow will be a better day!! I have posted a horsy shot too for those who need their equine fix for the day. This is one of the "babies" his name is How D Special Dreamer (Dream is his barn name). He has one blue and one brown eye like his mother.
Hope you are all doing well and here's hoping tomorrow will be a better day!! I have posted a horsy shot too for those who need their equine fix for the day. This is one of the "babies" his name is How D Special Dreamer (Dream is his barn name). He has one blue and one brown eye like his mother.
I hope you get heating back soon!!! Wrap up warm so you don't freeze. I'm really glad that the water didn't do any major damage.
Love my equine fix for today - what a gorgeous shot!
Take care of yourself x
I can certainly sympathize with you! I has been very cold and snowy here in Central NY State, too. I have had heating problems this week, too. Things just have to get better!
Wonderful photo of the "baby"!
Oh Lori so sorry to hear you are having problems :o( I hope that you get everything sorted out soon!!! Lovely photos as always! :o)
What a day!
Here in North Yorkshire, UK we are having awful weather...snuggle up and keep warm!
Beautiful photos AGAIN, Lori. Dream is a stunner. I love his colours.
I was really sad to hear of your problems. I truly wished I lived closer and could help you with the horse chores. I don't get to spend nearly enough time with horses these days.
I hope tomorrow really is a peaceful day for you!!
Your horses all have such a friendly look. I don't know if it their eyes or the large blocks of colour on their coats that give them such a benign appearance. We don't have this type of horse in the UK as far as I know.
Wow, Lori, you sure are getting hit with a barage of things. When it rains, it pours definitely sounds like a euphemism for your life right now. It'll get better when you least expect it. Hang in there.
These horses are so beautiful...you are reminding me of my childhood Lori! Thanks.
the second image, your horse, looks amazing ... his eyes are quite freaky! LOL
very good shot, and it works well with the dark background.
Great silhouette of the icicles. The light looks like it was late afternoon - whatever time of day it was, there's a gentle luminosity that I like a lot.
The horse with the blue eye shot is also really good, very crisp. He looks like he could cast a spell on someone :-)
What a beautiful baby. Here's a virtual hug for you.....
so sorry you are having so much difficulty with the heating and the water. It is such a pain when stuff like that does not work. And it always happens at the worst possible time.
It seems the things are quite harsh when you live in the farm. I hope it will get warmer soon :(
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