Not to sound like doom and gloom LOL but today all the outside faucets were frozen again but at least the ones in the house were fine! Had to haul water three times today again. I let the babies out this morning and they had an absolute ball. Put the others in their field and they just hung around the gate and basked in the sunshine and fresh air for a few hours. It was -1F when we woke up but from tomorrow it should be warming up a little, it will stay below freezing for at least the next 5 days but should get into the 20s F. I think our high today was 6 or 7 F.
We had a beautiful sunrise this morning, clear sky and a big red ball rising over the horizon. It was just too cold to go out then with the camera, I am finding that my batteries are going down within a few shots as it is so cold (the cold drains them quickly) so its really not worth trying at the moment. I try to keep it warm in my insulated jacket but with three pairs of gloves on so my hands dont freeze it makes it a bit hard to make adjustements on the camera, so I have posted a similar shot that I took a while back, although today the sun was more red.
I also got a few shots of the babies before I froze and here is one of two of the stud colts playing a bit rough, trying to bite each others' legs, bad babies LOL
Hope you all had a great day.
I can almost hear them squealing with glee! This is typical behavior for boys of many species :)
Great capture! I hope the weather eases up for you soon.
What glorious photos again, Lori. Your blog really is a treat to visit. I hope you keep warm at least part of the day.
Julie x
Lovely photos as always Lori! I hope it warms up for you very soon!! :o)
Love the color and compositon of the first one, and the playfulness of the second. Hope they are right about it warming up!
Hey Lori,
Professional question for you..I just had someone ask me (a business) if they could buy some of my images I took of their place for their website. I have no idea the going rate for stuff like that. Do you?
Any help would be great.
What a beautiful sunrise! I just love mornings like that.
Keep warm!!
Oh my, two beautiful photos!
I sure hope that groundhog was right. Sounds like you could use an early spring.
Great shots! Of course, you know I love the one of the colts playing. Boys will be boys!
Ah, great light!! It does look excruciatingly cold there. I haven't been here in about a week and I'm really enjoying my look through the images I've missed. Your horses have such great personalities - and you have a magical way of showing them!
Bad boys :))) You have a lot of fun watching them I'm sure!
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