Talk about one day getting worse than the other. We woke up to frozen waterlines in the house today as well as the frozen faucets in the barn. Someone had left the basement door open last night so the cold got in and that is where all the water pipes are and so they were frozen. I spent the first part of the morning with the hair dryer and every heater I could find in the basement to try to defrost them. They eventually did 3 hours later. Whew what a relief. When I was in town at 9.30 this morning the temp was 0 F and it is probably 6 or 7 now and has been snowing since midday (3 hours). Looks like we have had about inches so far. I went out to open the barn door for the babies because they havent seen the light of day for three days and I had to get some air circulating in the barn. They were so happy and loved the snow.
So my picture today is Another horses in the snow LOL!!! I promise my blog will get more interesting once I can spend some time outside again. Here are 5 of the babies having a run, pity about the roundpen bars.
My shoulder is still paining me but I have been living with it for so long on and off I will be fine.
Hope you all had a great day.
Oh dear! So sorry to hear about your water, sounds like you got it all sorted out though. Hope you didn't get too cold yourself! Lovely photo as always!
I hope that your shoulder is feeling much better very soon xx (((HUGS)))
I sure hope your shoulder feels better soon Lori - bet it didn't help matters having to hold the hair dryer to the pipes this morning!! Glad to know they've defrosted though....
Love the shot of your babies enjoying the snow - so carefree and joyous!
I love looking at your babies. It is pretty cold here too, when I got up this morning it was 4 it got up to a balmy 25 this after noon but it is dropping fast now that the sun went down. the wind left us this morning thank god.
I love your shots of the horses in the snow. They remind me of Chris Cummings artwork. very cool!
Sorry to hear you've had more trouble. It's bad enough to be huring but then freezing pipes. What next? Oops, maybe we don't want to know that........
I live in a mobile and we have to worry about freezing pipes too. When the temperature drops I always leave water running to be on the safe side. So far it's saved me. And believe me, this winter has been a real test.
It sounds like another world from damp and mild Britain, although we do have snow forecast for Thursday. Hope the pipes don't freeze again.
Beautiful exuberant picture as usual Lori.
Hope the shoulder is better today.
What a harsh enviroment do you have there. I pity you and your horses. Poor things. At least they could play a bit today but I'm sure they were very cold.
Lori: Your horses are such great models-love their colors....(do you still have the one baby colt that you posted at IHPA? He was so cute as a baby!!)
Hope your shoulder is feeling better and maybe it was alittle warmer today....I will check back to see what you post for today.
Gorgeous image, Lori. I'm afraid you are getting the weather we just had in Colorado. It has finally warmed up a bit here, so maybe that warmer weather is on the way. I love your images of horses. They are not easy to photograph and you have such a way with them. I hope you are feeling better soon.
I love your pictures and I appreciate your comments. I actually am looking into a few book ideas. Thanks for the input on that.
I was raised in KY so I am all to familiar with Indiana....and horses. I used to ride and your images took me right back there.
I will definitely be back.
This is just gorgeous!!
i'd love to be able to get photos like this.
take care of yourself, ok! :)
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