Woo Hoo the Indianapolis Colts won the Super Bowl XLI. For those of you non sporting fans that is no big deal but I must say I have started enjoying the American Football. In Zimbabwe and South Africa Rugby was the big thing, a game played with the same shaped ball as American Football but TOTALLY different.
OK so now that that is out of my system here is a picture of Piglette with snow on her nose, trying to lick it off. She is so sweet. We had the coldest day today woke up to -8 F and it didnt come above 5. Expecting a snow storm tonight which may deliver about 3 inches and then it should start getting back what is normal for this time of the year, minimums in the teens and maximums in the 20s. My main faucet in the barn is totally frozen solid so I am still hauling water for 10 horses in that barn. That one never used to freeze even without a heating tape now it does even with a tape so I think it is time to replace the faucet. Am in agony with my bad shoulder which goes out from time to time and takes months to heal and none of these supposed pain killers in US help it at all. I used to use Nurofen in England and it helped a lot, to cap it all I dont have medical insurance here so cant afford to go see the doctor and get prescription pain killers. Codeine based pain medication is only available on script here ulike in the UK where you can buy them over the counter. Oh well, that is my vent for the day.
Hope you all had a good one, and think of us shivering here!! LOL. Roll on spring (Dont want to wish my life away but the horses havent seen the light of day for nearly 3 days now because I cant open the barn doors as they will really get cold, at least with them closed it keeps it up a few degrees.
{{{hugs}}} so sorry to hear you are in pain :o( Here is me with all my pain medication and I am totally unable to help you :o( I hope you are feeling much, much better soon Lori xx
This is a great photo; I like the black on white with the flash of pink tongue :)
Lori, am sorry you are hurting so much. Nurofen helps me a lot with my arthritis. Wish i could get you some.
We complain so much on our medical system (it's really terrible), but I've never been refused visit at the doctor (even if I didn't have my insurance with me). Now it begins to change, and I begin to understand the importance of it. I hope I can send you some Nurofen. It doesn't help me at all but it's a different story.
Thanks so much everyone, I will be fine, just have to be careful how I move the arm and it eventually heals. I sure wish I could get my hands on some Nurofen too but I have a feeling because of the drug restrictions here in USA if they know it is a codein based drug they will not allow it to enter the country. Thanks for the thought it means a lot to me.
Boy, I didn't get a chance to read this yesterday. Had a city council meeting to attend and it really messed up my day. But sounds like yours wasn't good. Sorry to hear that it's still so cold and that your arm is bothering you. I know how I feel being laid up, it's making me crazy! Hope you feel better soon.
Ahh, bless! Lovely pink tongue :-) Your horse photos are great.
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