(yes that is her buried under all that mud)
having a good shake after she rolled.
She still had a lot of dry mud on her from
a few days ago when they were out. I hope
And here is Cat being her usual ornery self, she does love to rear
cow hop (jumps with all four feet off the ground at the same time)
I love this mare and her spunky nature. The other mare is Lori.
So all in all not very attractive photos ( I was at the long end of my 300mm and still had to crop the frame a bit) but I think the horses enjoyed themselves. I took it pretty easy and am slowly starting to try to get the stalls back to normal "again"!!
Hope you all had a great day. I will get caught up on commenting at the moment, I am just getting a submission together for a stock sale that looks as if it could be quite an income earner if it works out the way they want it to. Will share more details if I am successful and when I am able to. Quite exciting.
Onjce again, your action shot in B&W is excellent!
Lori-I LOVE that pic of her shaking the dirt off!! It has a darkish, other worldly feel...can't explain it but i love the feel of it. And yes I can see the dirt coming off!! So fun to see the horses....the horse shows start here in a few weeks so I will have horse stuff to share then. Today I posted more beach pics....glad it is warmer.
Wow, I can see the dirt flying off of her! Too funny.
I hate to tell you this, but it's actually warm here. Almost 60, and it's supposed to be about the same tomorrow until the rain moves in.
I've been able to put horses outside three days in a row. That's some kind of record for this winter.
It's wonderful to see the horses shaking the mud off. It is also interesting to learn that the horses are shedding their winter coats now.
I really like the muddy shot, you really can see the dust and dirt flying off of her.
Yesterday was a bit warmer here, but the biggest news was that the sun returned after, gosh, who knows how long! Today though it's gone again.!
These are wonderful. I love that I can see the dust coming off of her. Great capture there. I went back through some of your pics and I wanted to tell you that I really like the ones where you take a shot from the back of the horses head. They are great shots because of the unique perspective and I would love to see more. :)
My favourite is the shot of Cat and Lori. They look they are having fun. Good luck with your submission and i hope the "heatwave" continues :)
Glad to hear things have warmed up a little :o) Great shots Lori! :o)
The dust pic is dreamlike. It would look lovely in a frame! A totally unexpected moment.
It was viciously cold here today. And yesterday. And it will be tomorrow, too.
I'm staying home!
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