Well to say our weather country wide has been absurd is an understatement. I experienced my coldest ever temps today with colder tonight, we woke up to -5F (-19C), our high was 0F (-15C) and our low tonight is going to be -14F (-22C) tonight!!!!!! This is the enevitable ice crystal formations on our front window this morning, no really intricate patterns but these little ice crystals were quite pretty.

This was the view from our kitchen window, deceptive isn't it? It was -8F (-20C) when I photographed the scene!! I went out to see the horses who are all safely installed inside and couldnt bear to be out for more than 10 minutes. The windchill brought us down to -25F -30F and it was absolutely frigid. The figures in Celcius are estimates and will be within a degree or two of being correct, but the Farenheit ones are the actual temps.

I just had to get this post in for the record and will now try to move on to Wiggle's story which has been pushed back all week LOL. Keep warm everyone who is living this nightmare and be careful, take care of yourselves, it is dangerous to be out in such cold weather. (((Hugs))))
You captured those crystals beautifully Lori. The picture of the snow should be made into a jigsaw puzzle. Excellent.
It does seem to be crazy all over the country. Here in the East, we've got -1 this morning and single digits. A lot warmer than you though. I can't imagine being that cold. I'm trying to make sure my pipes don't freeze around here. Great pictures though.
Looks lovely, but I know the feeling, we made it up to a balmy by comparison 10 today. Yummy. Hang in there it can't last forever and it is winter so...
Those crystals are so beautiful. Can't begin to imagine those temps. Stay warm if you can!
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