It is snowing outside, expecting a few inches, we have avoided most of the really bad storms so far this year, they have been east west south and north of us. Just had one light icestorm on Thursday and I ended up halfway down the embankment in one of my fields when trying to drive down our lane. The trees stopped me from going right down the bank, so I am very wary about driving in this weather.
Todays picture was one that my late husband Larry digitally enhanced a year or so ago a few months before he passed away. He made it from a picture I had shot at a Palomino show or one of the contestants in Parade Costume taken from the rear. It is a very emotional picture for me and brings back a heavy heart every time I view it.
Hope everyone is safe (((Hugs)))
Hi Lori, I hope your holiday was ok. I was thinking about you and wanted to let you know. That is a fab. pic that you posted there. We have a little bit of snow here but lost some in the last storm from the rain. Now its icey hard snow. We are moving animals this week in prep for colder weather and more snow. I hope that everything is going well for you! Will talk to you again soon. Paula L lcrleus
Very cool pic. Looks like a rider riding through the "in between" like between heaven and earth. The storm just seems to make it even more emotional.
What an amazing photo. You both did good work xx
This picture was very ironic because Larry made it just a few months before he passed away, it is a very emotional picture for me to view and it was on display at his funeral, his final goodby almost. Not quite riding into the sunset but along those lines, I know he is whole again and riding his horses that went before him up there along with the little filly I lost in June (the 12 hour old lethal white foal who we named Angel).
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