It was very cold this morning and the ground finally froze so no more getting my boots sucked off in the mud but it wont last as we are expecting heavy rain from Friday through Sunday and then the temps will fall again and maybe snow.
This is a picture of a Thoroughbred mare that I board in the off racing season, so she spends the winters with us. Her name is Geared and I call her Gee. She has the most amazing temperament I have ever encountered in a Thoroughbred, laid back, loving and easy to handle. Considering I dont have anywhere to let her out to run because she can't be turned out in the pasture she copes really well with spending most of her time in her stall. I hope when he retires her she will come back to me, I love her personality.
I have started replacing the wire between my stalls with metal bars so thought this looked quite funny, behind the bars.
I'm really enjoying your PAD project Lori! I love the photos of your "babies". Glad to read that the ground finally froze - maybe your boots will stay on your feet! :)
I love this. She looks so sweet. I hope she comes back to you when she is retired too.
What a look Gee has here!!:o) Another great image Lori :o)
if your horse had thumbs, he could grab a tin cup to rattle against those bars ... maybe play some harmonica prison blues!! haha.
nice to see your horse shots though ... not a fan of the bars honestly, but the others are great!
LOL Dave
Unfortunately with us having studs in the barn, two mature and three yearlings, we have to make sure that they can't get to each other or the mares. There is wood four feet up the walls then the bars are above the wood. Also I have a few mares that are b****chs when they want to be so easier to keep them away from each other LOL. I would have solid walls but then you dont get good ventilation which is really important as the amonia smell build up from the urine can get quite intense especially in the summer.
Thanks everyone for all your comments I really appreciate it.
What a gorgeous horse!!
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