Surprise surprise, ANOTHER picture of the baby horses!! The older horses are wise to me and hide when they see the camera LOL.
Cold again today and it started snowing quite big flakes for about half an hour. I looked outside and saw that the babies had actually moved outside and were enjoying it so I rushed out and took this photo quickly (along with a few others).
At least tomorrow you can look forward to a catblogging picture, give you a break from the horses! Dont forget the Friday catblogging guys!
Oh well I suppose I better get out there and clean the stables, UGH! On the upside our trainer has agreed to take one of the babies, my three year old hand raised filly, and our older stud to give them some training so we can try to sell them. I am going to get six horses back from Iowa in about August/September, so I am desperate to sell some of these horses to make room. Just wish I could guarantee good homes for all of them.
I love this shot of the babies enjoying the snow; they really do seem to like it. They're just adorable. :)
Hope you are able to sell the horses to good homes; it's always a concern, particularly over much-loved animals.
They look so nice in the snow, beautiful photo.
They look pretty content out there in the weather. Wish mine would do that but my babies think they're abused if they're out.
The worries about getting my guys into good homes is enough to make me think I should quit breeding. You just can never tell, no matter how hard you try.
I wish you luck getting horses sold, it's no fun being over-horsed.
can never have too many snow and horse pictures! great shot today ... i really wish i had more snow to play in!
Great snow pic, Lori! Lovely to see the baby horses.
I had forgotten (short memory here) about Friday so you've helped me figure out what kind of pic I'll take tomorrow. My cat!
What a beautiful image, i love how you have captured the falling snow against the horses! :o)
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