And for the horse fix, here is an unusual shot of my hand raised baby called Wiggle (her proper name is DBD Indian Dreamaker) who loves to swish the water in the water trough with her lips.
This is an old shot of course. She is with the trainer at the moment seeing if he can teach her to be a horse. Because I hand reared her she has a bit of an identity crisis and thinks I am one of the horses and she can play with me the way she plays with the other horses. She weighs about 1000 lbs so it is not an option for her to treat me like a horse!!!! I just cant seem to teach her who she is as she does not respect me so I have had to send her to someone who can teach her the right way and break her to ride.
Hope you all had a good day.
That's a pretty intent look on that kitty's face. Cool Shot!
Of course, I like the splash. Is that ice in the water or lots of ripples? She must be a character.
I hope the trainer gets your issue fixed. My friend, Bev, had a Dutch Harness Horse/Arab cross mare that was rejected by her mom and hand raised. She had the same kinds of issues with her. She sent her off the to trainer's for a while and got it all fixed and then sold her this winter. So you're doing the right thing.
I love your stories Lori. This one is precious :) If you will bring this cat home more often, he will get an identity crisis as well :)
Wonderful shot of the Cat! Love the outstretched paw and the look you have captured on his face! :o)
As always a beautiful horse image :o)Hope you have a good saturday :o)
Sylvester looks good on velvet and his white parts are not blown at all - something I struggle with when photographing my cats. i remembered it was catblogging day yesterday!!
Wiggle sounds a real character.
Fun shots once again Lori! Love the blue eyes on the cat! Wow! And I too love the outstretched paw and claws...very intent look on his face. He looks like he is modeling!
Love the Splash image...horses are so funny and they do love to play in the water.
Thanks for sharing....I will send you some warmer weather if you want. :-)
That outstretched paw is wonderful - gives a real intensity to the shot!
We used to have a cat called Sylvester... talk about identity crisis! Sylvester turned out to be a she!
hooray!!! catblog friday ... i remembered! :)
nice shot lori ... i like your kitty cat! :) can't wait until next friday. hehehehehehehehehehehehe *meow*
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