Catblogging day. Of course all the cats were non co-operative and the one I did want to take pictures of was no-where to be found. I'll get him next time!
Sylvester was okay and posed for a few, Wildcat theblack one wasnt having any of it, but I have a fourth one that is also Black and White who I call Huggy Cat or Boots because when you pick him up he wraps his front paws around your neck and tries to crawl under your skin!! He also has four little white paws, hance boots. This little cat showed up on my doorstep a few years ago with a damaged tail, the last two inches or so were mangled, either been caught in something or bitten, who knows. I treated it and it healed but now he has a bald stump at the end of his tail which is a bit shorter than it should be. He is just the most loving cat. These were taken in the barn, he loves to sit or lay and sleep on top of the hay or straw. I was dangling a piece of string that is used to tie up the hay bales and trying to shoot at the same time so that I could keep his attention and then he decided he needed to eat something. They are all barn cats and keep the mice and rat population down but I still feed them. Sylvester is my best mouser.
I hope you all had a great day ours is still cold and a bit of snow but it will be dropping dramatically in the next few days again.
He looks like a lovely cat :o) Both great shots and nice DOF in the 2nd one :o) Hope you are doing ok and its not getting too cold! How's the truck? :o)
Friday already?! Lovely photos.
My favourite shot is the first one. Nice to hear about the cats as well as the horses. I have a photo of my cat Ollie up today :)
Stay warm if you can Lori
Oh, this kitty reminds me of my missing cat Zoe. How I miss her!
So are all Fridays cat blogging days? And who, if I might ask, decided this? A particular group or photo club?? Not that I'm complaining, I love cats almost as much as I love horses, I just don't have as many of them.
Sylvester is so beautiful - those eyes are so intense! I love catblogging Fridays; I still get to see lovely kittycats, but they don't make me sneeze! :)
I'm enjoing your blog so much. I know life in the farm is not easy, but it's clear you love it. You are wonderful person. I always look forward to your new posts and pictures. I hope one day I will find my place where I will feel as good as you do in your farm.
i love your catblog lori ... sorry i didn't get to it yesterday!!!
gorgeous cat ... his markings are beautiful. nice to see you entice them with food! :)
Very nice cat pictures. I especially like the top one. The one by the food dish has a look like "I'm eating, why don't you leave me alone."
Hey.........how did my cat get over here!
Come on Ella....home!
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