On to month two!!
Cant believe that February is here already. This is normally our coldest month and despite a warm winter so far it looks like February is going to be true to form. Friday we should have a low of 0F (-18C) High 10F (-10C), Sunday it will be a few degrees warmer and then Monday Min -5F (-21C) !!!!!! Max 20F (-7C).
To cap it all my old and trusty pick up truck that ran without a service for 6 years (yes I know I know that is terrible) was eventually serviced a few weeks back and has been running nicely despite smoking like crazy when I first start it which it has never done before. Yesterday it decided to get an overheating sort of problem, whatever it is it sounds like the engine is going to explode LOL) So now I have no transport!! Now that I have had my daily moan and groan on to a picture.
This is Piglette with my Mare Lori grooming each other and being nice to each other for a change. Lori is a bit of a dominant mare (boss mare) and tends to chase all the others, she is not very tolerant of other horses, only does because she has to but she loves people, just like her mother, but I love her dearly.
Hope you all had a great day.
(((HUGS))) for you Lori! :o) I hope you can get the truck sorted out very quickly and that February isn't as cold as it could be! Lovely picture today, as always, the colours work so nicely together :o)
another nice pic lori ... in korea we had the same thing. december and january were remarkably warm. then, bam! february has been cold as hell.
btw, i don't get more time to shoot!! LOL ... i get the same 24 hours that you do. i just get mine earlier!! hahahaha
stay warm
Sorry to hear about your truck. Nothing stresses me more than truck problems - getting feed for a herd this size is impossible without the truck.
Are you sure they're just grooming on each other? I'm always a little bit worried over any grooming right across the top of the mane like that - especially after Trouble has chewed off most all of his mom's mane.
OH, YA BURRRR it's cold at your house. I'd be a popsicle there!
I sympathise with the truck issues as I spent £900 getting my car serviced this week...and it's only a Skoda!!
The horses look beautiful together and as usual I enjoyed reading the background behind the picture.
Keep warm :)
Can you believe I have no driving linces? I know, I know I'm a lame :(
I hope you will repair your truck very soon. Looking at this pictures it's abvious they like each other. And looking at Lori, I would never say she is dominant :) She looks so cute.
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