Another hectic day, we woke to miserable weather today. At lunch time I left to go up to the hospital (an hours drive each way) and it started snowing as I arrived. I stayed and visited until 6pm and it snowed the whole time I was there!!!! Wet slushy snow (we have had 2 inches so far). By the time I left it was snowing quite hard and carried on all the way home. I stopped at the store and when I got back into the truck and started pulling out another driver honked his horn at me and pointed to my front tyre. I had a flat tyre, it was 7.20pm, I had to get home to feed the horses, it was gusting and it was snowing, with the temps hovering around freezing (hate to think what the wind chill was)!!!!!! I phoned the neighbor on my cell phone and while I was talking to him the guy who had stopped me came out with those aerosole cans with tyre stuff in it, they pump up the tyre and try to seal the puncture. He pumped the tyre up and sent me on my way insisting that I get going before the tyre went down again and that he didnt want payment!!!! Wow I have had my faith in human nature restored what a lovely gesture. He headed off back to the store before I could get his name or number and I screeched out to do the final two miles. The tyre lasted until I got home and then went flat. It could so easily have happened on the highway so I am grateful that it didnt.
So that is my day, the only ray of hope is that when I checked Sonny she had big droplets on her teats which is a sure sign. They are more obvious this time as you can see from the photo. I think I can safely say we will have a baby by morning.
The other photo is one of my favorites of Wiggle taken two winters ago. She is doing really well and starting to show signs of putting on weight already. I am going to take pictures every two weeks from the same angles and see her progress. She has her personality back LOL. Little Monster but I love her to bits.}
I am going to check on Sonny again and then try to get some sleep. I feel as if I am coming down with flu which doesnt surprise me with all these weather fluctuations. I need to bed her down with some straw before I do that though. Tomorrow is expected to be lousy again but from Monday onwards they predict clear skies, no rain and highs around 50F. I can't wait.
Hope you are all having a great weekend so far. ((((Hugs))))))
High Lori, sounds like you have been really busy. Hope all is going well with Larry in the hospital.
We had snow this morning too. I am really ready for some warm weather.
Wiggles picture reminds me of a Bev Doolittle painting. She is an artist that does camoflage (sp?) prints. She also does painting that include horses that look alot like Wiggles.
Hope Sonny gets along ok. Perhaps tomorrow!
Take care.
Not sure where I got High should have been Hi obviously.
Take care and have a good weekend.
I'm glad Wiggles is doing better already. Sonny better hurry up and get that baby out!!!
Hope the rest of your weekend goes really smoothly.
Sounds like you had quite a day. Glad you got help from a good samaritan and got home safely.
Hope you didn't jinx yourself with that mare. I"ve learned to never predict because they always make a liar out of me.
Love the pic! Hope you have a good Sunday.
Hi lori, I'm glad a kind person helped you out when you needed it. I really hope you aren't getting sick.
That picture of wiggle is gorgeous!!
Lovely photos Lori and so pleased you bumped into someone with a bit of compassion! Hope the weather improves for you very soon {{HUGS}} xx
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