I LOVE baby horses!!!! I managed to get it all set up so that I could let Taxes and Sonny out to run in the field today safely so that he didnt run through any fences. Here he is having a good run and then after all the exercise, a nice sleep. He didnt lay down long and Sonny being the good mother that she is, took him back to the barn where he could lay down in his straw and sleep. She is an amazing mother, she shows him everything. I sat for ages watching them and she did the tour of the field showing him where the fences were (he bumped into the one once and after that knew exactly where it was from that point on). She let him see the other horses when I let them out into the adjacent field but kept a close eye on him and herded him away when he got too close. It was really educational watching her. Cat still wants to steal him from her LOL. She is also a great mother but has a problem and we have lost three pregnancies with her in the past 5 years which is a shame because she is a great mare.
I didnt go through to the hospital today but will tomorrow. Larry is doing great but getting really bored so I can't wait until he comes home. It will also be less pressure for me because the trip up there is so time consuming.
Wiggle is doing really well, she is putting on weight nicely. I will take photos of her tomorrow so that we can compare them to two weeks ago when she came home.
Thanks again to all my visitors and for all your support and messages. MiKael, CG, AB, Talj, Julie B, Julie, Anna and Anna you are great your notes and messages mean so much. Abe Lincoln, thanks for your visits and to all the others who check in thanks too. I will get up to date once Larry is back home I am sure. In the meantime I will try to get a few of you answered and reciprocate with my messages each day. That way I will catch up with my backlog soon.
((((((((Hugs)))))))) to you all and thanks again.
Oh my goodness he is just all legs! Just adorable.
Looks like he was having a great time outside. That's cool. Does sound like she's a great mom.
Glad that you mentioned that you saw my guy because I can't get my cam to come up - actually I can't get any cam to come up. I'm having marestare withdrawals pains. Can't figure out what the problem is, has something to do with a new windows update. Sure hope I get it figured out soon. That foaling cam sure has made my life a lot easier but I have to be able to see it!
Do you have an idea when Larry might be coming home? They'd have to put me in restraints to keep me in the hospital that long! lol
Glad to hear your weather has been good. Today was almost nice here and tomorrow is supposed to reach 60.
Lori, these photos are fantastic. What a great name. He is so, well there is no other word for it, cute.
Hope you are doing well. I hope you and Larry are doing well. Any timeline on when he gets to come home?
Good morning Lori,
Your weather sounds a lot like ours, and since we live about 20 miles east of IN, I suppose it is a lot a like. We had a light frost last night. Just when you think Spring is finally here, then you have another cold spell. We never know for sure how to dress or what type of jacket or coat to take along, usually end up needing a heavy one for morning and something light later in the day.
Hope your husband is back home soon. That has to be hard running 50 miles to the hospital. I have a friend who blogs over at efx2 and her husband is in the VA hospital, her trip is long and hard. But she has gotten rid of her Llamas so she doesn't have them to worry about when she's gone. In case you want to see her blog, it's http://LadyVisine.efx2.com
Just wanted to stop by and wish you and Larry lots of luck and to thank you for your visits to Abe's blog and the well wishes. Hang in there. You're amazing.
Yes, you are an amazing lady. And one to be admired. Your care for and love of horses is your life and you got it for a reason. The horses surely benefit from your care and concern. And I know Larry does too. I hope you all and that includes the horses will have a nice weekend.
I came to thank you for visiting my blog, yesterday, and for your comments about Patty's last radiation treatment. She was so pleased that I heard from so many people, including Eric, and I know it made her day extra-special. She was also surprised that some of you also visited her blog and left comments there. So thank you for your visit and comments. Being new to the community, it was a big surprise to us. Thanks again.
Abe and Patty Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
He is absolutely perfect; I had no idea horses could be such good mothers, it's great hearing how Sonny is teaching him stuff.
Hope Larry gets home really soon - don't worry about commenting - i visit your blog cos I love it and think of you as a friend; not because I "expect" reciprocal visits!!
HUGS xxxx Julie
These are so wonderful and I have been nack a few times to check them out!
I do hope that your husband gets home soon...
Take care Lori.
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