I am afraid it will be more baby pix today. I havent had time to shoot anything else and he is so darn cute (totally rotten but cute). And for those non believers, I challenge you to come over and find out how sweet and innocent this little darling isnt LOL. Seriously he is a great baby and so confident. I could sit and watch him all day. I am just sorry that we arent going to have any more babies here until after weaning for him to play with.
It has been a bad day for me. The trainer didnt pick up Gee today because her transmission went out on her truck with her towing a 6 horse trailer. A friend came to switch the trailer over and bring it the rest of the way but she is going to have to wait a few days to have hers running again so it will be another few days before she collects Gee. She said that it was really hard transferring a Gooseneck trailer from one vehicle to the other with 6 horses inside it!!! Every time they got the hitch aligned one of the horses would move and they had to reposition the vehicle again. I waited ll day for them to arrive only to find out at 7pm that she had phoned the owner at 5am this morning to tell him which he didnt bother to tell me until he got here this evening. Shoot, I could have spent the day at the hospital.
On top of that, Larry is still having bad effects from the drugs and his boredom is making him paranoid so I have to go through tomorrow and try to sort that out. A friend of mine is going up to Fort Wayne for a few doctors' appointments so she will drop me off and collect me when she is finished which should take 3 or 4 hours. The stress is killing me.
Well it is very late so I am off to get my beauty sleep. Thanks again to everyone for keeping in touch, I appreciate your comments and well wishes.
{{{BIG HUGS}}} to you Lori. I really hope that things get sorted out for Larry very soon, doctors never seem to be able to sort things out properly!
Lovely photos as always, I'd happily come over and help you...but get the feeling you'd just end up looking after me LOL
Hope today goes better than yesterday! Love and {{HUGS}} xxx
Hang in there Lori. I think about you everyday and hope things will turn for the better soon!
These are so cute...that first one is so precious.
I'm sure your colt is the little monster you say he is. It's amazing how they can looks so sweet and be such devils. I love them when they're like that. I need to get a handle on mine. He's being quite the little monster too.
Sorry to hear that Larry is having a problem in the hospital. I don't know what the thing is with older patients and being paranoid but it is a common occurence. Hopefully it'll settle out soon.
Remember to take some time for yourself in all of this stress so it doesn't swallow you up!
It is so frustrating to be so far away when I would just love to be able to take some chores off your hands. You are having such a difficult time; my heart goes out to you!!!!
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