It has been a long day, I have not been coping too well and have had a severe headache all afternoon and still have it. I had a few visitors today which was great and also quite a few phone calls. Larry is feeling much better and we are hoping that the doctor will tell him he can come home on Monday.
We had a lovely day today so I put all the horses out. We have a pond in the bottom of the field from all the rain over the past 3 days so Taxes got his first look at the lake!! I waded in and he followed me which was cute, the only problem was I couldnt get far enough away to get a full shot of him in the water. He is still fascinated by the other mares and is constantly going to the fence and momma is constantly herding him away. The other picture is of Piglette, she loves the water and will roll in it. This was taken before she rolled in the mud which changed her color from her muzzle to her tail both sides, to clay grey!!
I am turning in early. Thanks everyone for your visits, Abe I looked quickly at the horse and the other animals from your outing, they are fabulous!!! I will get to commenting tomorrow.
Sleep well.
I just love the little guy...he seems so curious and playful...
Glad to hear hubby is doing better...Lets think good thoughts for the month of May-April is almost over. Hopefully warmer weather is on the way. Maybe I can drum up some farm shoots!!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
So cute Lori. I am enjoying watching him grow.
Have a good day......
Hi Lori sorry you didn't feel well yesterday, that was me today. Head stuffed and nose running. Just when the weather gets nice I get sick again. I just want a day in the 80's. Hope we get well soon. BTW love the horses again.
Hope your hubby gets to come home.
Sorry you had a bad head Lori, beautiful photos again. Piglette looks like my idea of "Black Beauty" and Taxes is so sweet enjoying his paddle xx
Great pics as usual. I have horses who love to play in the water as well. It's soooooo much fun to watch. I guess I need to get my camera out and shoot some of those moments.
I can't believe I got this far behind on my commenting! Guess that's what I get for going to the show. I don't know how you get all you do done, going to the hospital, taking care of horses and still time to post. You've got it more together than me.
Great pics as usual. I have horses who love to play in the water as well. It's soooooo much fun to watch. I guess I need to get my camera out and shoot some of those moments.
I can't believe I got this far behind on my commenting! Guess that's what I get for going to the show. I don't know how you get all you do done, going to the hospital, taking care of horses and still time to post. You've got it more together than me.
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