We had a bit more rain this morning, the water was starting to pool a bit but by the time it had stopped all of the water had soaked into the ground. We had 1.2 inches which still isnt nearly enough but we are grateful for every drop at the moment. Next year I will probably be moaning about the mud and too much rain!!!
I took it easy today, should have taken advantage of the cooler weather because the 90s are on their way again but I just couldnt bring myself to shovel poop all day. I hate leaving the stables dirty.
Brat baby is looking very flea bitten and really needs a buddy to play with. I wont take pictures of him while he is looking like this, he should shead out in a few weeks. He has 3 weeks until he can be weaned (3 months old). In answer to a question in my comments, I think it was Donna?, I find that by 3 months the mares have had enough of the little devils and are needing to get some rest and put on weight again which they wont do until the babies are weaned. Also if I have bred them back for next year they need to have a break. All of the babies are given grain from the day they start picking at it in their momma's feed pan. I usually have a creep feeder that only they can get into, so they are more than ready to go out on their own. I have had one as young as 6 days old who would stick his head through the bars to get to the pan hanging outside the gate even before I started putting grain in there so I put some in to see what he would do and he got stuck straight into it!!! Also they suckle very seldom once they get to 3 months, the mares tend to push them away.
Well it is late again, look forward to reading some more blogs tonight and checking in with some of you. ((((Hugs))))
Love the picture of you riding! I worry that you don't have enough "me" time. You definitely need to get some paddock boots though, I love my Ariats. Interesting about the weaning, I asked my trainer again yesterday and she said it depends on the mare/foal team, but they like to have them nurse for at least 4 or 5 months.
I love raccoons! Their hands look like people hands. I saw one on the road that had just been hit by the car and I stayed with him until he died. I didn't want someone else to come by and hit him again. Right before he went, he reached up and covered his eyes with his hands and stopped breathing. I cried all night, it was so sad.
Good to hear you got some rest Lori :o) Hope that the raccoon has learnt his lesson and keeps well away now :o) {{HUGS}} xx
Hi Lori, I haven't had much time to comment this weekend but wanted to tell you that it was good to see you riding!
Also it is good to see those masked bandits behind bars right where they belong.
I know those racoons can get destructive.
Well, this would have been our preferred method of dealing with the momma and four babies but it was not to be. I already posted about the cost and the killing. So in our case it was best to stop all feeding and they have moved on -- hopefully to a place where they can live normally and have families of their own. I have many, many, fond memories of the raccoons who have lived here and I will never forget them and the trust they placed in us.
Nice post. I enjoyed reading it and looking at the critter and seeing him go free again.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
My 2007 filly turns 3 months old on June 28th. I went ahead and separated her from her momma late last week....
I've heard of others that like to l leave the foal on the mare longer, but like you, I prefer the 3 month time frame.
That raccoon was very cute! I found your post really interesting today as always. BTW I nominated you for an award! see my blog today for details xxx
That raccoon is SO cute....except for the fact that he is causing trouble somehow...but then again, aren't we all? :)
Glad you are getting some rest....
Take care Lori.
How did I miss these? I'm going so many directions I lost track of how long it's been since I've been here. Don't like that much!
I love racoons. There are so mischevious.
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