I put Dosie, the stud that we had gelded two months back, out into the field for the first time today. I had all the other horses inside because I am still not sure how he is going to be around the mares and wanted him to get the lay of the land and fences before I put any of them together. I know there will be a fracas for a short while as they get the pecking order sorted out and he realises that he is not a stud anymore, at least I hope he will. He is 9 years old so it may take a while as he has bred a lot of mares. This is not the prettiest picture of him but he had a nice run around, nothing frantic and crazy, just checked everything out. I walked around the field a few times and he followed me around like a puppy dog. Poor boy, it will be worth it though because now he can be a horse and have a life instead of the life of solitude that most studs have that are stabled. Our friend in Iowa has lots of horses and a few studs and he puts the mares in a 100 acre pasture with the stud he wants them bred to and they live there 365 days of the year. That is a more natural way of life but we just dont have the space and we dont always want to breed all of our mares to the same stud. Hopefully we will achieve this with little or no problems. I dont normally leave my horses with halters on either in the field or in their stables but did today in case I needed to get a hold of him in a hurry.

I have missed catblogging Friday the past two weeks but here is one for today. This is huggy cat, he followed me down the drive to the mailboxes and back again. I turned around to see that he was following and captured this shot. I thought it was quite cute. Reminded me of the movie "The Incredible Journey" LOL.

Well it has been a long day. I am going to try to get my beauty sleep, I need it. See y'all tomorrow. ((((HUGS)))))
Oh the cat shot is sooo cute!! :o) I hope you have a good weekend {{HUGS}} x
It's cute that the horse and cat are almost in the same position!
Nice shots Lori. It's kind of funny all the rituals you have to go through with the horses.
I am kind of like Elaine. The cat and horse in almost the same position is attractive. Great choice.
Hope all is well, seems like I have had little time to get around lately.
Cat and horse are both lovely. HUGS xxx
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