I spent most of the day getting things organised so that Larry could put up the proofs from the show on the website and also editing one of the print orders. The background that I shot this stallion on was not great so I had to put him on a new background. So today's pictures are of the ones that I worked on today.
It was very hot and humid again, same tomorrow and then hopefully it will start cooling down. I have another show to shoot this weekend, three days as it is a holiday on Monday. Luckily it is at New Castle which I can travel back and forward from so dont have to stay away overnight. It is a Palomino show.
Nothing much more to report I am afraid. I hope you all had a great weekend and will keep trying to catch up but I am just falling further and further behind on my blog visits. ((((Hugs)))) to you all.
It was very hot and humid again, same tomorrow and then hopefully it will start cooling down. I have another show to shoot this weekend, three days as it is a holiday on Monday. Luckily it is at New Castle which I can travel back and forward from so dont have to stay away overnight. It is a Palomino show.
Nothing much more to report I am afraid. I hope you all had a great weekend and will keep trying to catch up but I am just falling further and further behind on my blog visits. ((((Hugs)))) to you all.
Nice shots Lori. So is this a busy time of year for horse breeders and fanciers? Seems like there are a lot of shows at least in your neck of the woods.
You take out backgrounds and that kind of stuff too. Wow, what a ton of work. Sure hope you get a bunch of orders!
Wish I lived closer I'd love to learn how to do that stuff and I'd be a big help!
Looking at this horse, I wonder if he's pure polish.
Tell us how you liked doing the Arab show. Was is different that what you're used to or just another horse show??
Hope the weather cools down some for you. It's heating up here too but is supposed to be cooling down on Thursday.
Hope you have a good day!
Oh aren't they superb!! You did a great job. Cant wait for the palaminos!
Wow, these are beautiful shots and the backgrounds are perfect for the pose.
Nice work.
And yes it is another scorcher today.
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