MiKael you asked if I enjoyed the show, yes I definitely did, I was a bit dissappointed about the lack of entries and the lousy light on the first day. I also expected the horses in general to be more animated. Most of them had a flat kneed trot. It tried to shoot for both the flat knee and for the curved front leg as best as I could. There was only one class where they were really high stepping. The people were great though and I enjoyed being there.
Thanks everyone for your regular visits, I am going to try to get a bit more up to date tomorrow. I got my print orders out today so that is out of the way, but the show this weekend is 3 days and we are now going to stay at a hotel on Saturday and Sunday nights to avoid the hour drive each way each day. Larry wasnt going to come with but he has decided he will now. We are expecting nice weather which is a blessing.
Taxes' leg is looking really good, just a matter of time now and keeping it coated, I forgot to look for that fly stuff "Swat" at the show but I know there is always a store at the show this weekend so hopefully they will have it. He is being a star on the lead rope, a bit spunky but really listens and is not all crazy like the babies can sometimes be when you first start leading them especially outside LOL.
((((Hugs))))) everyone.
Wonderful costumes. The riders lookl like they are having fun.
I would expect if this was an amateur show that you wouldn't see the really top notch horses. Those will usually be with trainers and trainers don't like their amateurs to go to shows without them.
If the prize list states amateur, then the trainers can be on the grounds but can't even touch a horse, lunge it or anything else, so most keep their clients home.
But usually at an amateur show you will get the new people starting out and they are more likely to buy pics than those that have been around.
I haven't been to your site to look at pics there do you have all of the show pics you took there?
Glad to hear that Taxes leg is doing well. I'm struggling with proud flesh on Echo's and think I am loosing. She has just had it with dealing with it and gets very naughty. Can't say as I blame her.
good luck at the show this weekend. and glad that you enjoyed the Arab show.
Glad to hear Taxes leg it getting better and that he is doing good on the rope.
I am not sure what to think of the show. That is quite a costume she is wearing! Looks like fun though. Continue to have fun with your trips to various shows.
I am taking a little break from daily posting. I am preparing for a big trip to Colorado and Utah next month. I also want to evaluate what I am doing as a "photographer" for a while.
Take care.
I don't know much about "shows" but I don't think the costumes are really flattering. I like the horses.
I read with interest on your other blog about Taxes and saw his photos. I did not know you had still another site.
Thanks for your visits to my blog and for your comments there.
The costumes are certainly interesting!! I'm glad to hear Taxes is doing ok. {{HUGS}}
I kinda like the first costume :-D
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