We woke up this morning to find that it had rained last night. Not heavy rain but enough to wet the ground nicely. It rained on and off all day, again nothing heavy but it was overcast which kept the heat down a bit. It was still hot and humid but it allowed me to get some stuff done outside. It was like working in a sauna but what the heck LOL. I organised everything so that I could put the 3 yearling fillies out in the field that Sonny and Taxes were in. This was the first time that they had been outside the barn on a lead rope so I employed the assistance of our neighbor who helped me ge them going. They did really well and I got them into the field with no drama. Here are a few photos of them this evening just after we had put them out. They are loving it.

I liked this one, it is Dawn, she is such a brat. They were so excited to be out.

Well I am going to get an early night again. The heat really drains me. Abraham asked if Taxes' leg will be okay, well I think as far as him being sound he will be fine, but I think he is going to have a large scar which is a shame. He is being such a good boy and I am dressing it every day with pressure bandages and it is starting to come right but it will take a long long time before it will be totally healed. He is not chewing the bandage which I am glad of. He has got the hang of his creep feeder and is eating "like a horse" literally LOL which makes me happy too because he needs the extra nourishment now that he is not nursing on mom very much. I will take a picture of the creep feeder tomorrow so that you can see how it works.
(((((Hugs))))) to you all.
Great pics Lori! It does look like they are happy to be out.
I worked outside most of the day here doing yard work. It was overcast and muggy too. I got a huge blister on my palm. YUK! I hate yard work. Would much rather being doing horsey things.
Glad to hear that Taxes is leaving his dressing alone. That's a good thing. Hopefully it won't scar as bad as you think. It's always so frustrating to see our beautiful babies scar themselves up. I know how you feel.
Hope you have a great day.
Gosh, glad to know Taxes is going to make it OK. And that photo of Dawn is stunning. You are a good horse mother and a good horse photographer.
Abraham Lincoln
Atomic bombs and goggles
Wow! Such pretty girls.
I need to get some updated photos of my weanling...but the heat has kept me inside!
I love the sense of motion and freedom in all of these pictures, Lori. I can almost feel myself standing outside, feeling the wind in my hair as I watch them live.
I'm so glad Taxes is doing better. I love how you write about your horses. Your words make their personalities so real to us.
Sorry I've been a bit of a stranger lately. Life's been really busy and chaotic this summer. I'm way off my blogger's routine. Trying to get back into it...
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