To make up for the other day when I didnt post a picture I am posting three shots of flowers from today. The pink ones are called Four O'Clocks. They usually stay tightly closed during the heat of the day and start opening in the evening so I was quite surprised to see them open this afternoon. They are in the garden at the place where the we rent the pasture for the horses down the road. Larry was up for a few hours today and he hasn't been over there since I moved the horses over at the beginning of May. He has known the owners since he was a small child and hadnt seen them for a long time so we decided to go and pay a visit and catch up a bit. It was a lovely day and while they chatted I snapped some shots of her flowers. The other one is a giant marigold, so pretty and bright. Wiggle is looking a bit better and the cooler days are helping. I am keeping her sprayed with special conditioner and sunscreen so hopefully she will continue to improve. BB and Cat are also looking better.
We got a late start this morning so by the time we had gone and had some lunch after our visit it was 3pm when we got home. We spent an hour or two on the wooden fence and I am getting there slowly but surely. Now that I have a better idea of what I am doing (thanks to Larry's instruction LOL) it is going a bit quicker. I think it is going to look really nice when it is finished. Can't wait so that I can put the three boys out in it. Blue, Gee and Taxes will all take their turns out there too. At least they will be able to let off a bit of steam safely without the fear of one of them getting tied up in the wire because they cant see it.
I have a stack to do tomorrow, I am behind on everything as usual. Feeling a bit better today. ((((Hugs))) everyone.
Interesting and beutiful flowers.Good colors and textures.Well done!
Those flowers are so beautiful and unusual. Glad the fence is going well and Wiggle is better!
Four o'clocks, I don't think I've seen those before. Very pretty.
I get tired just hearing you talk about putting that fencing in! I don't know how you do it.
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