I got two stables stripped and rebedded today, also got some of the picture orders done and caught up on a bit of the paperwork that I have been getting behind on. The weather is beautiful at the moment, no rain in the forecast but temps in the upper 70s and low 40s in the mornings.
I can't wait to get the fence finished, hope to get on with that by Wednesday, I really want to get Taxes out to have a run. I turn him out in the area at the end of the barn (32 ft x 40ft) which enables him to get a good run and play in but there is nothing like having them outside. He was always so active. I dont want to take any photos of him until I get him outside but he is filling out and is looking like a tank. He is sooooo naughty, going throught the I want to nip and bite everyone and everything. He is muscling up really nicely.
That is it for today, I am going to get an early night, lots to do tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great weekend and a better Monday. (((Hugs))))
That is an awesome shot Lori. Sorry I have been away for a while. I am currently on the road and I am already a day behind on the trip posting.
Hope all is well. Can't wait to see Taxes.
Take care.
Hi Lori! Sorry I have been abscent lately too. My computer crashed and I had to move to a cheaper apartment...so much going on. Love the barrel racer and the pony and dog with the cart is so cute. can't wait to see taxes! I am leaving tomorrow for two weeks to North carolina to visit family so will be off line a few weeks...glad it is cooling off there.
That is a great shot. I laughed a you signing on the bottom of the barrel. I don't know much about gaming or times. But I do know it takes the same things I teach for a horse to be its best at those events. They must drive from behind, lift their backs and their shoulders to do be at their peak.
So Taxes is going into what I call the "Land Shark" phase. That nipping all of the time. Colts, ya got to love them! lol
Wow, what I wouldn't do for 70s about now. It's in the 50s here and I'm freezing. I'm really dreading winter. Glad to hear that you're having nice temps though. Hope they stick for you for a while.
Have a good day.
Great shot.I like it a lot!Great composition and colors.Well done!
That shot is spectacular! i'd love to see some barrel racing. {{HUGS}}
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