Well that was pretty much the whole day taken up and it was nearly 5pm by the time we got home so had to start the rounds of feeding etc.
Donna, I will probably sell the calendars off of my website. I am also doing post cards which I am really pleased with. I will be posting those there too. A friend of ours who I often post photos of (Annette whose granddaughter is Morgan) is going to the Quarter Horse Congress which runs for most of the month of October in Ohio. She has a tack store called Golden Royal which is near Indianapolis and she takes a stand there every year. She is taking some of my matted photos and the postcards with her so we will see if they attract any interest. I really should do a calendar too to go there.
That is my lot for today. Thanks Abraham for the plant photo leads. The one that looks like a efern with the white clusters of flowers isnt hemlock, I am pretty sure it is Cow Parsley because the leaves are more fern like, very fine leaves, whereas the hemlock has broader leaves. Still looking into the other ones.
MiKael, I think a calendar of your arabians would be fantastic, we will get together to do one of those if you want. It will save you a lot of time learning the set up and Publisher (mine is the 2000 version) does a pretty good job.
I wanted to get around to answering questions that had been asked in the last few days, but I really need to get more of my photo orders finished so will try to do that tomorrow.
I will answer more questions soon I promise, need to get more print orders done. ((((Hugs))))
Taxes looks good. I'll bet he was a pushy sucker trying to get out for the first time in a while. Poor Taxes, learning to be a good horse can be difficult. lol
Yes, it doesn't surprise me about the sale. Most of the 'generic" horse sales have been down like that for a while. From what I can tell the only consistent way to get a good price for a quality horse is getting them broke and into the show ring. Otherwise it's catch as catch can. And then my website has brought me lots of referrals since I've got my search engine rankings improved because of my blog.
I'm glad that Abraham was able to give you some help on those plants. They're not like anything I've seen. I'm pretty useless when it comes to botanicals. I love them but know nothing. lol
A calendar of my horses sounds like fun. I think you have the same version of publisher that I do. I do all of my horse flyers, sales list, stall cards etc in publisher. Also did a pretty fancy newsletter for my Arab club for a while. But I'm worried that maybe my pics aren't sharp enough.
Forgot to say Have a good day! I'll be thinking about you!!
OK am glad taxes got out and he looks healthy. I didn't really see any scars on him.
The calendars. Who prints them. That is what I need to know for my bugs and birds calendars.
Thanks for the answers.
I must buy a calendar for Sian! Tell me when they go on sale. I can't believe how Taxes has GROWN> ANd what a beauty! Love the pics especially the B&W one!
Taxes is sure a handsome little fella isn't he.
I am getting settled back in after my Colorado adventure. Sorry I have missed some many posts.
Hope you and Larry are doing well.
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