The picture today is one that I shot of Wiggle a few years ago using slow shutter speed to create the blur effect. You would think shots like this would be easy to get but believe me they arent LOL.
The fence is slowly getting finished. The lad who was helping didnt show on Wednesday and we knew he wouldnt be here Thursday or Friday because they were moving house. He came in for about 2 hours yesterday but we wont see him until Monday (hopefully). I really want to get this darn fence finished now so that I can use the area. Taxes needs exercise other than running around in the bottom half of the barn. He has always been so active and he is bouncing off the walls. He is so naughty.
Well nothing exciting to report. Hope you are all having a great weekend thus far and continue to for tomorrow. (((Hugs))))
Neat photo. I like it. Reminds me of those prehistoric horses.
I get photos like this by accident. I never thought about trying one. Neat effect.
I understand what you mean about not being or feeling creative to get out and take some pictures. I never like to when I am stressed or have alot to do.
Take care, hope you are doing well.
Gee, I thought pics like this were my speciality. I have a couple from the show this weekend and the horse's is all blurry and the rest clear. lol I'm never gonna get this camera thing down.
Hope you get your fence done soon. I"m sure you'll be glad to have that out of your way.
Interesting effect...sort of ghost-like!
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