Hope that clarifies the dilemma LOL.
Abraham in this weather the horses pretty much stay wet while they are out. They do dry and I dont normally worry about getting them dried before bringing them in, If they are very active they will dry but then they go and roll in the snow again LOL. Their coats work in a wonderful way to keep them warm. They will shiver when they are extremely cold and I have only seen that once so they are pretty resiliant. I have had occasion where there has been a terrible rain storm moving in and the wind is howling and rain lashing down and I am running around worrying about bringing them in only to find that they are happily down the other end of the field munching away like nothing is happening!! They are wood chewing machines unfortunately, this comes mainly from boredom, horses are grazing animals and if they are out in a pasture with good grazing that will keep them busy, when they are cooped up they do whatever they can to pass the time. I will definitely check out the link for Pioneer Woman, sounds intriguing. We have only had about an inch of snow so far today it has been slow but tonight after midnight we are expecting up to 14 inches up til mid Sunday. Time will tell I suppose, meteorologists arent always accurate, I joke that it has to be the only well paying job where you are paid even though you are consistently wrong LOL.
At the moment from their outing yesterday, the horses are all covered in dry mud still LOL. MiKael sorry about the rain, that is the pits.
Well just wanted to clarify that little dilemma. (((Hugs))))) here's hoping I can get out the front door tomorrow morning LOL.
Oh my. This photo has made my day. I was so worried about the horses in that smaller barn with the low roof and mountains of snow on the roof, wet, and heavy.
I get online this morning and see a sparkling new, modern, barn with a hay mow and almost everything any horse could want. What a difference. It is beautiful. I bet the horses are very proud.
And I didn't know much about the horses in and out of the weather. I know that farm animals are a lot like wild animals if they are pretty much left out to cope but don't know much about those who are in and out. I guess they cope too.
You should go see the pioneer woman to see her horses covered in ice. Quite amazing photos.
Pretty shot! You have the beautiful snow and all we have so far here in southern Pa is ice.
I've been reviewing your blog and I must say you certainly do wonderful work!
The snow looks wonderful. I know it's cold but it is still so pretty when it's clean and white.
It is dry here today but we have another storm heading our way.
Great looking barn! Your horses are going to feel snug in there!
Curious to know if you blanket your horses? Probably not from your description of how well they manage the cold.
Hi Lori,
I am getting to this second posting. This is a pretty nice looking barn! I thought for a moment it was a current picture and thought you had gotten a pretty good snow and then realized it was from last year.
Hey when I was driving to Kansas City I went past a place where some of the horses where wearing blankets and some weren't. Is there a reason some have blankets or coats and some don't?
Just curious....
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