I am in the process of reorganising how I am going to deal with my blog to make it more interesting for those of you who are visiting. So not much has happened today other than mulling over ideas and hopefully my new format will start tomorrow. I want to also tell a little bit about my story of my place of birth in southern africa and my travels leading me ultimately to Indiana USA. My aim will be to post at least one photograph each day as well, it may not necessarily be something new, it may be something from my past that I have in archives.
Today's picture is one of my bottle baby Wiggle when she was about 2 years old maybe a bit younger. It is one of my favorite shots of her. She is one of those horses that really isnt very pretty to actually look at conformation wise but she photographs well (in my opinion of course LOL). She is a total brat, equally as bad as Taxes if that is possible.
We are heading into a very cold weekend, they are now predicting -6F for Sunday (it was predicted at -2) so we are bracing ourselves.
I hope everyone is having a good week, keep tuned in, I am determined to get my butt in gear. (((Hugs)))
Hi Lori!
Love the photo of Wiggle. Very nice. She has neat markings.
I can not even imagine it being that cold! I don't mind the snow and cold when it stays around 28-30degrees but I hate the bitter cold...brrrr.....stay warm! Hope you have a fireplace!
Lovely shot of wiggle Lori! :o) I am looking forward to learning a little more about you and seeing you pictures both past and present! I hope you manage to keep warm and that the cold spell passes quickly! {{{HUGS}}}} xx
For those who don't really understand how cold it gets around here, I always tell them to make a fist and stick it in their freezer for five minutes. That is about 30 degrees and when it gets down to seven or lower here then your freezer would start giving food 'freezer' burn.
Anyway...looking forward to the new you. Think you can and I can and lots of folks can take lessons from Confessions of a Pioneer Woman's blog/work and also Charley, the coyote lady's blog. That link is still on my blog. I think this lady with Charley is special for what she is doing.
Anyway...will check back tomorrow to see what you come up with. And, I like your photo today too. Horses, like dogs, are really special creatures to me and my way of thinking.
Always lovely to see Wiggle :) I just can't begin to imagine such cold. The coldest I've even been is -8C in Canada.
I'm really anticipating hearing more about you so although I've always found your blog really interesting I will be reading very eagerly frrom now on! (I'm nosy really!)
Love the photos Wiggle, especially the angle you took.
Enjoy your blog the way it is, but really look forward to reading the details of your life in South Africa and how you got to Indiana. Sounds like fascinating stuff!
Hi Lori
What a lovely photo!
Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day
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