It was not as cold today as yesterday thank heavens. These were some photos I took a few days ago of the windows again. I am really building my arsenal of ice pics!!! I am having horse picture withdrawals!!!

These were just as the sun was rising and the color of the sunrise being picked up by the ice crystals.

This one was on the narrow window, ribbons.

This was just before the sun cleared the horizon, you can just see the color coming into the ice.

What amazes me is that they are never the same. I just can't resist photographing them when I see them. This time I actually cleaned the inside window!!!!! I am as domestic as a brick so that is a BIG deal. I will be adding some of these to my Store. Hoping to get back to that project tomorrow.
Nothing else exciting to report. It should be on a warmup trend although still around freezing and I am hoping to be able to get the horses out soon, they are bouncing off the walls.
Hope you are all having a great weekend ((((Hugs))))
These photos of ice crystals look like elegant designs of glasswork seen in museums.
So beautiful Lori. My favourite is the second one; i like the contrast between the warm light and the chill of the ice!
WOW! They are stunning! What wonderful detail and patterns :o) Glad to hear things should be warming up for you soon and I am sure the horses will have a ball once they get out again :o) Enjoy your Sunday {{{HUGS}}}
My wife and I lived for ten years just south of North Bay Ontario, where winter temperatures often dropped to -40. We lived in a turn of the (20th) century home, built when log stoves were the norm and insulation was unheard of. It cost us a fortune to heat, but the price was almost worth it when you could sit with a hot mug of coffee in the livingroom and look at the breathtaking frost patterns on the windows. Ah, but your beautiful pictures bring back some amazing memories!
Your frost pattern photos are always so good! I have a hard time motivating myself to get outside in the cold early enough to do some of these myself. The fireplace keeps telling me, "Nah, stay in here where it's nice and warm!" I usually listen too long, and then it's time to go to work. When I get out to my car, I see the pretty frost patterns that I now don't have time to photograph. Oh, well, I can still look at yours!
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