Thanks so much Pat for giving me the You Make My Day Blogging Award. I have received similar awards over the past year from some of my wonderful blogging buddies and have never learned how to deal with them and post the links etc. so here is another new year's resolution. I value all of your visits and input so much and now to narrow it down to 10 people to send this to is very hard. I hope that I am doing this right, if it doesnt work sorry, please help!!!!! LOL
Here is a list of some of the many that I would love to give this award to :
Okay so that is 11, shoot me for adding one extra LOL. I am hoping all the links work and now I believe I need to go and post on each of these blogs telling each these wonderful people how much I enjoy their blogs.
I will post my regular post a bit later but had to get this worked out first LOL
Lori, I do believe you did very well with your links, etc.
I'm so enjoying your wonderful story so I'll be back later. You've always been an inspiration to me since I started blogging. Thanks for that.
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos
Thank you so much for the award. How nice of you!
It is always so enjoyable checking out your photographs and comments!
Love them!
Lori, thank you SO MUCH for my award. I'm really honoured. You and your horses (and cats!) make my day so often and it's so great to get this glimpse into your life. Thanks for the award and for your friendship {{{HUGS}}} Julie
PS I love Daily Coyote too!
I appreciate your gesture but did you know I got five or six of these the day before yesterday? LOL
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Hi Lori, thank you so much! I check your blog every couple of days and always go back to read your posts and look at your photos. Time doesn't always allow me to comment but I do enjoy your horse photos, they brighten my day.
Thanks, Lori, for the award. Now I have to figure how to get this image up and people to award to. OM, I think I'm getting a headache. LOL
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