As I said on Friday I was off to the Hoosier Horse Fair which I have wanted to do every year but never had the opportunity because Larry has been bedbound so when Val and her friends and her daughter and her friends invited me to come along I took it on.
The following 4 pics are from the mini rodeo held at 8pm last thing on agenda and I shot them with my 70-200 2.8 Canon lens with no flash on 1600 asa. Not all of them worked because I was shooting at 2.8 250th so the focus was an issue here and there
This little guy is steer wrestling, he is actually about 6 - 8 years old and it is a claf. They have to catch them around the horns and turn their heads and pull them over and down. This calf was having none of it, the boy was laying on his back with the calves head upside down on the ground but the rest of his body refused to go down LOL.

This is an event called cow milking, there are three or four cowboys on the ground and one mounted. They have to rope the cow, keep her under control which means hanging onto her head tail or whatever and then the one cowboy has to milk her into a bottle(like a small beer bottle), just a little will do, they then have to release the cow and run into a designated area for their time to end. The group that does it quickest is the winner.

This is good old bucking bronco, but as you can see it is a slightly tamed version as they have saddles and stirrups, but it was very entertaining.

This one looked bettter in B&W, the light wasnt really good. In all the events down to the kids, they have a lot of guts and take quite a beating LOL

They also had a smalll Lipizzaner exhibition, not wel experienced horses and they didnt exhib a lot of the more difficult moves, but they are beautiful horses. It didnt help that the power went off for a few minutes right in the middle of the exhibition LOL.

I felt like I had been hit by a truck the next day because we left at 9am and got home at about 11pm and I have never walked so much. You could buy anything equine there for sure and it was nice seeing the exhibits of some of the disciplines and breeds as well as running into my horse show friends.
I will post more over the next few days, there was so much happening and I still havet realy looked properly at all I shot. I have muscles that I forgot I had in my upper legs LOL, geez I am out of shape, I am going to die when I start riding regularly again!!
We have had four beautiful days and another one tomorrow but storms may move in tomorrrow night so we will see what happens. Hope you all had great weekends. ((((Hugs)))))
Wow. You could surely interest Ford in that bucking photo. It is intense and really nice.
All of the photos are nice. You surely got a magic camera like the one in my dream last night...
Find out why their mommas swooned looking at the pictures, and stuffed crisp $10,000.00 bills into my shorts and hung the keys to a Smart car on my ear. Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.
Beautiful shots. Love the steer wrestler. I hear you on the newly descovered muscles. LOL ...
I love the grey horse in the cow milking thing. That horse is perfect in position and the look on its face is sheer concentration. lol
LOL Abe you are right you may be onto something there!!!!
Thanks for visiting Stacey I enjoy hearing from you and hopefully am closer to being better and catching up.
MiKael the grey horse was probably the best horse in the whole rodeo, he was awesome at everything and pretty to boot.
Great photos: i wish I had been there with you. It all looks so interesting.
Beautiful pictures! Horses make wonderful captures! Nicely done!
Looks like tons of fun.
Wow... I simply love coming here Lori.
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