This looks as if it is going to turn into a weekly blog, it started out beginning of last year as a Photo A Day, but I suppose I am still here and it is nice to have this sort of diary to look back on. I put Taxes out for a run a fe days ago and he is not partial to mud so didnt get many chances at getting a decent shot of him. I thought this one was cute, he was looking over to where the mares were and lifting his lip LOL.

I got three more round bales this week for the girls and Dosie in the field, and this one collapsed quite easily much to the delight of Wiggle who decided it would make a nice soft dry place to take a sleep LOL. Later on I saw Dosie and Lori taking a sleep on it too.

Well after having those glorious days of sunshine and 50s and 60s we are expecting a freeze tonight and have barely made it out of the 30s for the past 3 days.
On Tuesday Taxes will be 1 year old. Can't believe it, it had snowed the day before and was freezing, we had three inches of slushy snow on the ground and I was in the barn at 1.30am helping get him cleaned up and dried and blanketed and finding the milkbar.
The local art exhibition starts tomorrow, we dropped off all our pictures on Friday and Saturday and I didnt get to go to the reception this afternoon as I was feeling a bit off (the cold weather didnt help). So now I need to get myself woken up and get some work done.
Hope you all had a great weekend. (((((Hugs))))))
Sleeping on top of the round bale, what a hoot! Horses are silly creatures.
Nice photo of Taxes doing what horses do. I also like the other with the horses in the hay. They all look like they are enjoying themselves. We had a cold night here too and am looking forward to warm weather again.
Beautiful. Love the lip curl. Impish little guy isn't he? Your girls aren't looking real hungry. I have a few here who are looking about the same. Fat and sassy. Good luck with the art show. and I hope you get to feeling better.
Nothing wrong with a weekly blog! Good to see Taxes again.
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