I mentioned yesterday that our aides husband had seen a hummingbird yesterday evening around the barn when he drove in. I got the "nectar" all prepared and went out to find somewhere to hang it where I could see it from inside. This morning I was on the porch and lo and behold there was a little hummer hovering around the feeder!!!!! I couldnt believe my eyes, didnt expect it to happen so quick. I grabbed my camera and went out and sat against a tree so I wasnt so obvious to see me and scare him away. He was darting back ad forth. I was a bit too far away really but I cropped this down a lot abd here is my first hummingbird photo!!!! I have lots of experimenting and practicing to do to get the right place and closer to the feeder But I was really pleased, it made my day.
Nothing much happening today, it is very hot and humid again. I have to go to shoot some horses tomorrow afternoon other than that this is my life LOL.
Hope you are all having a good weekend.
Congratulation on your very first hummer! Nice colorful shot.
I enjoyed reading your last few post. Your comments about your equipment are quite interesting. The lens you shoot may not be the top line Canons but they certainly serve you well!
I do find that IS really helps when hand holding the longer telephotos but as you are well aware it can be a real budget breaker. Your work proves that photography is the work of the photographer, not the equipment.
I'm so glad I wandered in here, you take some beautiful photos! For your first shot of a humming bird it's really good!!
Damn...so that's where our hummingbird went. Over to your place. You must have doubled the mixture to entice him away. We have tried this year but so far nothing works. Last year we were swamped with hummingbirds who actually fought each other over the feeders. Now, this year, nothing. Zero. Well, we saw two. One one day and one the next day and the feeders went up and nothing happened.
Happy Father's Day to the fathers in your family and to you just a happy day. LOL
I hear cardinals, Carolina wrens, grackle babies wanting fed, and other nature sounds and the sky in the east is getting brighter and the air is cool and the doors are open and so are the windows. I am blessed on this Father's Day morning.
hummers are so wonderful. I wish we had them here!!
Lori, Just TERRIFIC !!!
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