Once again this is going to be a quickie. I havent been doing much shooting this week because I have been trying to catch up on the print orders, I am nearly finished with them now. I have posted another picture of Dream. I am so happy with him, he is growing taller so is not filling out as quickly but bearing in mind that he is just 2 years old I think he looks and behaved beautifully. The handler in the photo is Drew Sutton, who is training him for us and doing a great job. He is bringing him along slowly but firmly, I like his methods, no beating them into submission type of thing, which believe me goes on a lot in some training barns. He is based near Indianapolis and I recommend him highly, if you need contact details give me a shout and I can let you have them. The other photo is of Blaze who is also going through a growth spurt upwards, he is the same age as Dream, I think there is about 2 months difference in their ages. He is being shown by his owner Darlene who loves him to bits and is working with Drew on his training too.
I am going to take Cayenne trail riding tomorrow with Stan and Val so will try to get an early start (I am not a morning person) so that we can ride when it is still cool and then probably again in the evening when it starts to cool down again, wish me luck, it should be interesting, this will be her first time out other than the riding I did with her in the field.
Have a great weekend all and I will try to post on Sunday and let you know how it went.
Good Luck!
I love that shot of Dream, definetly keep that one!!
Nice photos, have a nice ride, it's worth getting up early for.
Hope you had a great ride Lori!
Hi Lori,
What beautiful horses! Great shots of them too.
I am going to be posting a horse picture tomorrow (Sunday) so be sure and take a peek at my blog. I finally got a chance to take a picture of a horse!
Hope all is well and you are having a great weekend. I was up at about 4:15 this morning to get to Wilson's Creek to take pictures with our camera club, I am beat!
Hey Lori. Sorry I missed you Friday. My computer has been driving me wacky! Hopefully I'll get to see you Sunday. Let me know when you are up and about, or vise versa! LOL
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