Drew had Dream there again and he showed him in three classes, the last one on Sunday was a mounted class with just walk and trot for Amature horses. The turnout wasnt as good as we had hoped because of the threat of bad weather all weekend, I think it kept people at home (we were lucky it was fantastic right up until the show had just finished then the winds hit and tornados started, nothing too close to us fortunately. We just caught the edge of it thank heavens and by the time we were home the winds had already died down. We only got half an inch of rain on Friday night and that is all. The down side is that the classes went much quicker than anticipated and Drew found himself with about 5 minutes to warm him up and take him into the arena for his first riding class. He was a bit worried about the people around the arena but is used to being indoors as they have an indoor arena at home. So he didnt blaze any trails but the experience was worth more than anything else.
I rode Dream again but this time in the big outdoor arena, his first experience in a big outdoor arena with other horses which is where everyone was warming their horses up, and he is so sweet and I know is going to go on to bigger things in the Hunter Under Saddle or Trail Classes. We found a buyer for him too!!! Annette who you have met often on my blog has had to retire her horse Cody because of health issues and he is going to live out his life as a happy much loved horse, but Annette needed something else and wanted a change from the Saddle bred type of riding so she made us an offer and we have accepted it and he is off to a wonderful new home. They will have him gelded and I can't wait to see what he turns out like next year. He is still only 2 years old and will only really finish growing and developing when he is 4. He has a beautiful quiet temperament and is willing and clever. I havent edited any of the photos but will post some when I have, I promised Drew some pics too, but life sometimes just gets in the way, so Drew if you are reading this I am sorry!!! I have Annettes photos, got them in the mail today and maybe I will have to come and bring Dosies papers, the photos and finally get to visit personally.
Well that's about it. Larry has had a young man coming in every day for about 5 hours and he has caught up on all the heavy work and fixing and cleaning of the barn for me which has given me time to just get on with other stuff that is getting behind and it is such a relief not to have to worry about those things anymore.
I am hoping to take Cayenne trail riding o Saturday, and on Sunday there is another open show nearby which we want to take BB to, we didnt get her to the show this past weekend which was a big dissappointment, she is looking awesome. I just ran out of time again.
(((((Hugs))))) everyone.
Hey girl. Great shot of the Nuthatch. I see them around here occasionally, but never get a chance to get a shot of one. Guess who's internet is finally working! Michael's best friend fixed it! I posted tonight, so take a peek. I am working at the school again tomorrow, so I won't be home til around 1:45 or so.
I like your birds. I never bought one of those seed cakes shaped like a bell before. I guess I must have at one time and realized the squirrels eat the whole thing or drag it away and eat it later. I have the same bird scampering up and down the oak tree getting sunflower chips and pieces on the ground.
Lori, man the wind was something on the way home. Dream was sweaty when he got off the trailer, so I know he was nervous on the trailer. But he is such a good boy. Rode him on Monday, and he was great. Darlene and I rode for a while together, and you would never know that he is a stallion. When we load him he is so funny. He stops at the ramp, and drew and I get behind him with our shoulders and lift his rump off the ground and push him on in. He just stands there not offering to go in, but does not fight being pushed in. His hind leg was a little swollen and he just does not want you to touch his back legs, and he kicks at you when you do. So I have been throwing his hay flakes at his legs and yelling at him when he kicks out at them. It is helping. But he is getting much better, and the blacksmith did not have near as much trouble the last time. I am really happy with my choice, I think he will be every bit as versitile as Cody has been and I can do English, Western, Trail and contesting. So many of those horses get wild when you try to contest them. But I think he is quite enough not be a problem. I started him on a muscle fortifier this week. Sure hope it helps him start to bulk up, it cost $90 a month??? At Quarter Horse Congress this year I am going to try to find one of those spittoon shaped corner feeders. He is so bad about throwing his feed on the ground and not eating it. That should help as well. Speaking of the Quarter Horse Congress, if you can get away, why don't you come over and stay a couple of days with Deloris and Me, I have a small apartment rented. Donnie comes on Weekends, Tanya and Drew also come on the weekends. But if you come during the week, there is just Delores and Me.
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