This is one of our nine month old babies, a filly called How D Miss Stetson (Missy is her barn name) I had stripped the barn area where all the babies are yesterday and put down a good layer of sawdust and a few bales of straw because it is going to start getting cold and she decided to have a nap in it. This is a real sweet filly, she has a bit of a strong personality but would be wonderful for an experienced horseperson.
Hope you all had a good day. It is still overcast and we dodged most of the bad rain thank heavens, one more dark dank day then the temps will fall quickly and winter will be upon us.
Missy is just beautiful, Lori! Hope it doesn't get TOO cold over your way.
Looks like a horse!
Your horses are sooo beautiful. I adore your blog.
Even the horses have stage names. What is this world comming to?
Kidding it is lovely, I can look at horses all day I love them.
No they aren't stage names, every registry has registered names for each horse. My horses are all American Paint Horses and I try to use each one's personality, their mother's name and father's name to make up their registered name. In Paints you can only have 21 characters.
So missy came about because her Grand Dad was Mr Stetson, Her mother is Dandy Lady Stetson, Her father is How D Special Dude and using all of these I came up with How D Miss Stetson.
Earlier you said you never believed horses have personalities until recently, believe me they all do, some good some bad, I am lucky to have really well bred sane and sound horses, they are treated and raised the right way without agression and force and it shows.
Mr T had his program on TV Land recently - I Pity The Fool - and the one show was about four boys and their parents who raise horses on a "horse farm". I was horrified to see what they were showing, definitely not the way it should be done or the way training horses should be portrayed, it was downright dangerous and absolutely rediculous. I have been so tempted to write to the program producers and voice my opinions. Oh well.
Thanks all for your comments. It has been a busy day I hope I will get to do some commenting tomorrow.
Another beautiful horse; i am getting hooked on your blog for my horse fix! I always thought horses slept standing up?? I think Missy's full name is very apt :)
Another beautiful image Lori! What a great subject they make and I love your little write ups :o)
What a beautiful photo
She looks so innocent and so sweet. I love your horse images. It seems you get our weather a few days afterwards, so be prepared. We've had a lot of cold weather and a lot of snow. Looks like you are ready though.
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