Today was much the same as yesterday and the day before, overcast and dull but the snow is still on the ground.
My trainer came today and took my 8 year old stud to see if he can make him into a cow horse (roping, reining, cutting). He has led such a solitary life because he cant be turned out with the other horses and desperately needs a job. He is a gorgeous horse and I think he is going to do well. He was broke to ride at age 2 so he shouldn't be too much of a challenge, it is just a matter of finding what he is good at and enjoys. My three year old hand raised baby went too because she has become too much of a handful for me, thinks I am another horse and I cant get her respect. She isnt mean just thinks that I am another horse and she can play with me the way she does with all the other horses whch is not a good idea as she weight about 1000lbs to my 141 lbs. He also took one of the babies, we did a bit of a trade for the training and he seems to be hapy with that so we are optimistic. Sad to see them go but I have two stalls less to clean and one less baby in the bottom of the barn and I know they are with someone who cares and will look after them.
So here are is a pic of the one baby running in the snow today and the one stud colt chewing the top of the typing post, they are really enjoying the snow. I really must start trying to shoot something else or you guys are gonna get sick of seeing hundreds of variants of my horses LOL.
Hope you all had a good day.
Oh wow, look at the snow all over that muzzle. Too cool! Wish I was this good with a camera. I love how your pictures show the personalities of the horse.
Keep them coming!!!
I really enjoy viewing your horse photos, especially the action shots. Keep them coming!
I definitely won't get tired of seeing photos of your horses - they are all so beautiful!
Love the snow you captured on the muzzle - so sweet. As rising rainbow said, your photos show the horses' personalities so well.
Oh Lori these are just beautiful, I love the first one, but they are all great. They look like they are having so much fun in the snow! Hope its not too cold for you over there!! :o)
Oh wow! How gorgeous are the horses against the snow!
My first visit here...I have many friends who adore horses, would you mind if I put your blog on my list of PAD's
Thanks so much everyone, D please feel free to pass the link on, the more the merrier! These are just a few of the horses, once I can start getting the others out and they get to running and playing in the snow (we are expecting a bit more over the next few days) then you will see a few different horses and hopefully as it get warmer I can get a bitmore creative without freezing my fingers off. Thats not including all the babies that have passed through the barn and gone on to new homes. If I can just change one person's opinion of horses (there are a lot of voters on DPC who will vote a picture down because they dont like them for whatever reason) then I will be happy.
I decided to make this blog more like a diary that I can look back on too (nothing too personal I promise LOL) and since the horses consume so much of my life this is how it is turning out at the moment.
Thanks again, I enjoy the interaction, I dont get to socialise a lot with others because of my and my husband's circumstances so it is great to do it this way.
Have a great day.
Beautiful photos, love the first one!!
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