I hate these short days, just dont give you enough time for everything. It was absolutely freezing again today and windy and after I did it in shifts as I got too cold too quickly, I fed the horses, got two stalls out of 9 stripped and rebedded with new sawdust, and then fed them all again and the day was over. At least the days are getting longer again, just wish winter was over.
Soooooo that is my excuse for not shooting anything today again. Here is a picture of a strange weed/grass that grows in our garden in the summer. It is about an inch long and the bug is even smaller!! I used my 100mm 2.8 macro to shoot this one and got a few nice shots despite the wind.
The horse is my own filly who is a full sister to the filly that I sold a few weeks back (picture with my trainer riding) and the colt I posted the portrait of yesterday. Couldnt be more different in color could they LOL. My husband named her after me so her name is Lori, poor girl! She doesnt get enough riding time by any means as she has the smoothest trot ever and is just dying to have a job and go places. Hopefully next summer I will get more riding time in on the trails. She was 2 in this picture and is now 6 years old.
Thats my contribution for the day, willing winter to be over but we still have a looooong way to go. I am trying to get all my commenting caught up please just bear with me I will eventually get there.
OK, I like the bug on the flower? weed thing. Nice color and different but of course, I love the horse picture more. You ever want to breed this mare to a Arabian, let me know. I think she's very cool!!
I'm with you about winter, I'm sick,sick, sick of it. But at the same time I'm not sure wishing my life away is a good thing either. So instead of wishing for spring. I'm going to wish for springlike weather!! for you and me!
Hi Lori....sorry it is so cold there....we had rain all day today and I don't think it reached more than in the 50's. Still warmer than where you are- I know...I will wish spring like weather for you...I used to live back east so I know how cold it gets.
I like both photos....good detail on the flower and bug. Always love seeing the horses too. They have such beautiful coloring.
On a side note: The new job did not work out...it was more of an admin job or accounting...not what I thought...so I am still job hunting. I wish I could create a business of my own but can't figure out what to do. You know how difficult it is to make a living in photography...I need to go back to school.
Thanks for sharing your pics and stories. I look forward to them!!
wow lori ... that horse in the snow (with the blue sky background) is your best shot yet!!!! i love it.
just brilliant.
As always Lori your images are beautiful!!! Lovely detail in your first shot and I am amazed at how well you manage the exposure on the snow, horse and blue sky! Excellent! I really hope it warms up for you soon :o)
What a lovely filly Lori.It is always so hard to take good photos in snow! I really like your bug and flower pic too.
I wish I could have helped with your stable chores :)
Lori, I am so impressed by your wonderful horse photos. You have an outstanding collection here.
Two fabulous photos, the composition is excellent.
Great photos. our filly is a beauty. I wish I knew how to take such good macros.
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