Thanks so much to everyone for your good wishes and support, I value each one and it is so comforting to know that there are a lot of people out there who actually care. I know that the visitors to my blog are from all over the world, isn't that amazing?
To continue the saga, we still havent been able to have the pump pulled up and checked or replaced so we are still without water. Jennifer (our home health aide) is bringing me water in gallon jugs two times a day bless her heart. Consider that each horse in the winter will drink 10 - 15 gallons a day (in the summer they can drink 20 - 25 gals a day) and we have 13 horses, it starts to add up, and that is excluding what we need to use in the house. Gonna have to visit the local laundromat LOL, havent done that in years!!!!! I put all the horses out today and fortunately with the snow that helped because if they get thirsty they will eat the snow, not ideal but certainly helps.
It snowed lightly all day, probably had an inch or two and it is still so we will see what it looks like tomorrow. I got the camera out for a bit today and walked down the lane to check for mail, snapped a few pics of the horses as I walked down and don't know what I was thinking but I overexposed everything!! Oh well the pics made interesting processing. I did a quick fix on a few and these are the ones I have posted, the blue eye is the baby Dream and the black and white is my filly Lori and BB, I thought it was a cute moment. I will have to go back and process it from the RAW file and will probably get a better result, I just used the small JPeg for these.
Thanks again everyone. I will get back to my regular commenting etc. as soon as possible, I dont get to everyone every day at the moment but promise I will soon.
Keep smiling
Keep smiling
What a sweet picture of the two fillies.
Sorry to hear you are still without water. We had to replace our pump right after we first moved here. They took ther time.It was a mess. I hope it goes smoother for you. Hauling water for that many horses isn't fun.
Beautiful shots of the horses, especially the first one - there's just something about B&W!
Sorry to hear your water woes are continuing; I sure hope things are resolved soon! {{HUGS}}
Your horse photos are fantastic, Lori! I hope that you and the horses have water very soon
This blue eyed horses always amaze me. They eyes are very human.
Beautiful photos Lori, I think the first one is definitely my favourite! So sorry to hear you haven't got things sorted out yet, you are still in my thoughts and I am hoping that things get fixed pretty quick!
{{{HUGS}}} xx
Sian and I loved your photos today; the first one especially. We love the blue eyes; I agree with Rennie they do look almost human. Sian says please can she have one of your horses? She promises she will take good care of it :)
I hope your water problems are resolved soon. Thinking of you lots and thanks for today's "horse fix"
J & s xx
Sounds like you're really having a time of it at the moment. I must get one of my grandaughters to have a look at your blog...she LOVES horses although never had the chance to get up close and personal with them. Thanks for popping over and leaving a comment.
Great shots Lori. I am happy to have found your blog and I will check in regularly to see your photos. I can relate to your weather woes. I grew up in MN and I remember MANY times the outside pipes froze and we had to fill and haul buckets from the house. Hang in there:-)
The overexposure was a lucky accident here. The top picture is my favorite. I think your horses are the happiest horses anywhere - they always look like they're having a great time at your place! Sorry to hear you're still not having such a great time though with your water. Nice to hear that you have good neighbors and a home health aide who sounds like an absolute angel.
I am with the other Anna...
I love the black and white but they are both amazing!
Hope all gets fixed soon....thinking of you...
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