WOOHOO!!! Okay now I can do the happy dance, the well is fixed and we have water and heat again (can't say I was happy with the bill though!!!). The weather is changing again, going from below average temps straight overnight to above average temps LOL. Snow is starting to melt leaving a mushy mess but I will take it no problem after the trials of the last few weeks. Didn't get to shoot anything today as I was busy trying to catch up and probably will be for the next few days as the stables thaw out and need to be stripped and rebedded again.
Now all I have to do is win the lottery and hopefully get my little truck fixed so that I have transport again.
Thanks to you all for your kind words of support over the past week or so, I hope that life can get back to normal now, whatever normal is LOL.
I am posting an old pic today, it is one of my filly and the mother of my bottle raised baby in the mud from a few years ago. This is probably what I have to look forward to with the snow melting LOL.
See Y'all
I'm doing the happy dance right along with you, Lori! {{{HUGS}}} I'm so glad that you've got heat and water again - I've been so worried about you, and wished so many times that I lived closer so I could help!
Reading this post is going to send me to work with a smile on my face, now that I know things are looking up for you.
Shades of brown all right....funny lady.
Glad to hear your well is fixed. I'm laughing about the lottery comment, that's my favorite line. I rarely buy tickets but I dream of spending the money. We definitely are a pair.
glad to hear you have heat and water again Lori. And that the snow is melting! lovely photo of the horses in the mud :)
I am so pleased to read this post today Lori! I have been worrying about you and its great you have things sorted out now!! Lovely image as always!!
{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}
WHOOOHOOOOO!! I am so happy to read that things are getting back to normal for you. Sorry you're going to be so poor for a while, but boy oh boy, it's great news that you've got the necessities again! I didn't make it to comment on the icicles yesterday, so I want to let you know today how much I enjoyed them. It was a perfect subject, getting ready for the thaw.
I'm so happy it's getting better. A lot of work for you now I'm sure. You are very hard working woman and I admire you greatly.
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