The snow is melting, we have gone from a min of 0F two mornings ago to min 42F this morning!!! Most of my day has been spent clearing channels so that the melting snow can run off in the usual directions that it should rather than through the middle of my barn because the snow piles are blocking the runoff.
The well is fixed although the water is still looking rusty and muddy out of two of the outside faucets which worries me a bit. They were meant to have fixed the pressure as the new pump was bigger than the previous one but that is no better, but I HAVE WATER so I am not complaining LOL.
The horses spent the day out today but it was really dull and they werent in the playing mood so I didnt get any shots of them, it is also looking a bit muddy and mushy out there, not very pretty, so I have posted a picture I took of a sparrow a few days ago. I thought it was quite cute, just wish I could get one of the darned Cardinal like this. I have stacks of Cardinal photos but they are always so far away or the lighting is terrible and they arent nice and sharp. I want one like this bird is, bright and sharp! Will have to persevere I suppose. So nothing too exciting today sorry.
I have started on the barn overhaul. Now that the stalls have defrosted they are a mess to say the least. I am going to do two a day so as not to kill myself. When the sawdust freezes because it is wet it tends to build in frozen layers until you have to spend a day on one stall when it warms up.
Thanks again to everyone for all your kind words of moral support and I promise I will be in a better mood and get all caught up soon. I made a big dent on my commenting last night will try to get it all up to date tonight.
Be well
Oh Lori so good to hear you sounding brighter!! Great that things have got moving there for you! Love todays photo, great detail and nice use of DOF!
{{{BIG HUGS}}} xx
Love the eye contact in this photo. First time I have stopped by, you have some great photos!
Glad to hear it's gotten "boring" at your house. Nobody needs that much excitement all at one time.
This bird almost looks like it could fly right out of the picture.
I emailed you about the horse lovers' blog carnival. I can add you in if you send me the link and description soon. I'm not going to post it until late tonight.
Ssssh Lori! Don't tell anyone I am still up!!! ;o)
Thanks for posting your bird photo, Lori. It has so much detail! What a wonderful reminder that spring should arrive sooner or later!
Lori, I'd love to be able to capture a sparrow like this one. Guess I just can't with my point and shoot Nikon 8700! :( I'd so love to upgrade but since the accident, that's completely out of the question after buying my SUV.
Hang in there. If I were closer, I'd come and help you with that sawdust.
Beautiful bird. Spring is around the corner!
Ah, yes! The elusive "good cardinal" photo. I've been in pursuit of that one myself for quite some time now. Thank goodness for digital - the mistakes don't cost anything like they used to with film!
Thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind words. Thanks to the exposure I've gotten from Photowannabe and Anna in London, I am getting a lot more visitors than I used to. That's great, but it gets harder and harder to try to keep up with everybody else's blog, so I don't always get to comment all the time.
When I shot 35mm, I never got into the darkroom side of things. Now with digital, I am thoroughly enjoying my "digital darkroom"!
Beautiful bird.I like the details and textures.Good colors and light.Well done!
Don't worry about commenting. The work you are doing is enough for a man, not for a lady. The bird is cute indeed. I wish I ahd such nice birds around, unfoortunately the ones that are in towns during winter here are either pigeons or jackdaws and crows :(
What a puffed- up little fella; he's looks bundled up against the cold. I'm so glad things are easing up weather wise.Take care of yourself!
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