This is a picture I took a few days back of The Brat Taxes using his mommas tail as a fly swatter and to hide from the flies behind. Clever baby LOL. He is growing like a weed and is turning into a little chunk. I like him more and more every day. I played with him a bit this evening, he would come running down the hill from their barn and around the corner and I would be waiting for him and jump up spreading my arms, his reaction is to leap all fours off the ground and swing around in the opposite direction and go flying back up the hill only to turn around check me out and do it all again LOL.
Hope you are all well, (((((Hugs)))))) to all that need them.
Lori-Fantastic image!! I love Taxes...he is so cute and does the cutest things...the tail over his neck like that is classic! I like it in Black & White too. That would make a great cover on a magazine and one of the topics/articles being on fighting flies. HAHAHA....
Hugs back at ya!
Awwwww...that's my little buddy! This is a terrific picture. He is so smart and he plays too. You may be doing that alot until his friend shows up.
Take care and keep having fun.
Wonderful shot. It looks like he is "grounded" and his punishment is not to leave his moms side. Very cute.
Great shot. He is so cute. I used to play tag with Dandy when he was that age. It was great fun. Then one day when he was about two he thought we were playing and I didn't see him and he knocked me down. That was the end of us playing tag. He just knew looking at me in the dirt that it was a bad thing.
Hope it cools down a little there and rains some, I know you need it. We are having rain here some but not enough. Think it's going to be a bad year for hay.
I need help figuring out what kind of camera to buy. Something that will be easy for me but still take good pics. If you have ideas, let me know.
Hope you have a good day.
We are having more rain than we need...wish we could send you some!
What a beautiful photo...love it in B&W {{HUGS}}}
What a wonderful image!! :o) Hope you and Larry are doing well {{HUGS}} xx
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