I just had to post these ones of the baby birds. It was extremely hot today and under the aluminum roof these little guys were so hot they were hanging their little heads over the side of the nest with their beaks open and looked as if they were panting. Every time my flash fired they popped up with their mouths open. At about 5pm we had a nice storm, quite a hard downpour for 15 - 20 minutes which was immediately absorbed into the ground and looked as if it hadnt rained!!!! Anyway that cooled things down a bit for the little guys. I am going to try to get photos of the other nest of babies tomorrow.
I didnt get much done today, when I went out to feed at 7.15 it was already getting hot and humid. We were in the upper 80s again but the humidity was dreadful. It cooled down while it rained late afternoon but then got hot and humid again. We really need this rain so I am happy about that.
The heat is really getting to me this year (maybe I am having hot flushes LOL I am due to go through that) and has made me feel quite ill and headachy.
Hope you are all well (((((Hugs))))) to everyone.
I look at all of those open mouths and think if I was their mother, I'd run for the hills. Talk about stress. lol
Glad you got some rain. Normally when it rains here it cools down so we don't get the kind of humidity you're talking about.
Hope you're feeling better.
We had elk in our back field today and I realized how inadequate my camera is. My pictures make them look like far off little specks. Was disappointing because this was the first time ever since we've been here 20 years for elk in fields. The bull was a four point and in full velvet. Was so beautiful. and I got lousy pics. I'm pouting now.
Aww... the baby birds are so cute!
Hope that the heat and humidity have subsided there. It was 92 degrees here in Central NY State yesterday, but it is cooler today.
I love the bottom shot. Looks like they are singing in a choir.
I don't like the heat either (and it only gets worse once the hot flashes start!)
I'm glad i don't have to feed that little lot; it's bad enough keeping Sian fed!! it's good to hear you got SOME rain at least. I can relate to the hot flushes; I think I'm headed that way too :( xxx
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