The picture today is of brat baby and momma taken a few weeks ago when they were coming up for their dinner. I hope I havent posted this one before.
Another busy busy day. It was 93F today and we sweltered!!!! I rode Lori first thing this morning but by the time I had finished it was unbearable. A load of hay was delivered and had to be unloaded today because they need the wagon tomorrow to load more hay out of the field. It has been really windy too which hasnt helped. I finished unloading the hay at 9pm this evening. Had to try to fit all the other chores in, in between the heat and regular chores. I am pooped LOL.
Mike I made a half hearted attempt to put a halter on Taxes (Your buddy!!) but he objected strongly and I didnt have the energy to fight with him so I will try again tomorrow hopefully it will be cooler. We have to go to Fort Wayne again to see the doctor so that will be half the day gone before we get back home so I will be running in mad circles again.
MiKael, I know, bad Lori, in fact Larry was saying the same thing yesterday morning. I don't have a pair of good riding boots, guess that will have to be added to the shopping list soon. I normally always ride with a pair of good shoes with a heel. I have heard horror stories of feet slipping through stirrups and people being dragged so I should know better. I also wish you were here to help me with rearing problems LOL, he is a real handful and I also have to get the yearlings halter broke and am just not getting it all done. Hey you don't want to come for a visit do you???? Hehehehe
Still no rain but we are expecting a slight chance of severe thunderstorms tonight and isolated tornados. It has been gusting all day so it is blowing in. The guy we got the hay from said that he only got half of the normal number of bales from the first cutting and that a few of his alfalfa fields which he reseeded last year, he has had to plow in because the late snow and cold killed most of it so they have to start from scratch. He also said that the next cutting, if there is one because if we dont have rain soon it just wont grow obviously, will have a price hike. I dont know what you all with horses pay but we pay $3 a square bale (50-60lbs) for good alfalfa. In past years when we have battled to find hay I have paid as much as $8 a bale. I use 5 bales a day and could really use more but the horses are looking okay so I am happy.
Julie B, Talj, CG and AB and anyone else who I have forgotten thanks for checking in. You are always in my thoughts too, I just wish my life would slow down a bit. Maybe tomorrow. (((Hugs))))))
Lori, I wish I lived closer...would love to help you ride and train...it has been awhile since I had a 3 year old to train but it is like a bike right...you never forget...cute image. I love Taxes...sorry it is so hot there...it is in the 60-70's here. Doesn't seem like summer at all.
Hugs to you...
Hope you are getting some cooler weather and some rain. We had gusts up to 60 mph yesterday which should help to move some clouds over the plains and into your area :) It's already down to 47 degrees here tonight.
Take good care, Lori. I hope things slow down a little bit for you.
I hope the severe weather misses you but that you get rain and cooler temperatures. We got thunderstorms at about 4 this morning so I have been awake quite a while.
Great image, you will get his halter on sometime!
Take care and hope you have a great day.
I love the pictures of you riding.
Last year I payed $2.00 for 650 bales. This year I am going to sweat it out and do our own baling. Or I think I am. lol We do large bales for the cows and don't have the equipment for small, so I have to beg borrow and steal to get it baled and in the barn.
Aaaawwww....I love mother/child pics. This is beautiful Lori.
You know I wish I lived closer!! Lovely light in this photo :) xxx
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