Abraham, the barn swallow is for you. I was happy to discover a barn swallow nest in my large barn above a stable right next to my hay mall so I can get pretty close to it. These are of one of the birds in the nest and one sitting on the rafters watching me. I have far better light here in this barn and can get a lot closer to the nest. I still have four nests in the old barn. This is the first time that they have built a nest in the big barn so I hope they come back every year. I hope to be able to take pictures periodically until the babies leave the nest. I am going to try your mirror on a stick to see if I can see into the nest when the parents are not there.
We went up to see the Surgeon today in Fort Wayne and we have another breakdown but we are, once again, going to try to heal it without surgery. We have never succeeded before but the doctor is going to be away for a few weeks so we wont be able to do anything surgically until the middle of July. Not the news we were wanting but we will just have to live with it and plan accordingly.
It was very hot again, I woke up to temps in the upper 70s or so, it was dreadful. By the time we had got back from the hospital the rain was building but still hot and humid (81) and then we had a nice downpour for about 10 minutes and that was it. Even more humid until the cold front started moving in this evening and it is quite bearable again. Hopefully I will be able to get something achieved in the barn again tomorrow and ride the two fillies. Cayenne is the most amazing horse, she is absolutely beside herself if you dont pay her attention and will demand to come out and work. She is such a busy filly (I think I have said that numerous times LOL) and just wants to have a job. She does everything with enthusiasm. The guys who had her for the two weeks paid us the utmost compliment on her saying that she was an awesome filly and would excell at whatever we planned for her to do. I just hope we can find a nice home for her.
Well guys that's about it. I am gonna try to get an early night tonight. Havent been sleeping so well (night sweats - yuk). Its hell to be getting old LOL. Mike your buddy is being a good boy for a change, I havent had a lot of time for him recently but will be making time for him. He is shedding his baby coat and looks a bit moth eaten at the moment. He loves the fan that I have put in their stall and momma will be out in the field and the little darling will be in the barn standing by the fan LOL. I will try to get a shot of him standing in front of it. The BIG black horse flies started today. They come in swarms, measure about an inch and a half long and bite like hell. They are at their worst in the hottest months. I noticed a few harassing the mares in the pasture today.
Hope you all have a great weekend. Am still steadily trying to catch up with my visits and comments. Thanks to everyone and (((Hugs))))
Nice shots Lori. I think the little kitten is pretty cute.
Sorry I didn't get more rain to you. We got about a half inch this morning.
Take care and have a good weekend. Hope you get that halter on my "little buddy"
Such a cute kitten!!!! If I wasn't allergic to them I'd have one myself! :o)
Sorry to hear about the visit to the surgeon, I will be thinking of both you and Larry and hoping you can get things sorted out without surgery {{HUGS}}
Have a nice weekend xx
Adorable kitty and I love the swallow pics too. Am sad to hear about the problem for Larry; hope it works out {{HUGS}} to you both!!
What a sweet little kitten! They always look so playful.
Sorry to read about the visit to the surgeon - you and Larry are in my thoughts, and I hope things improve soon!
I'll switch weather with you -- you know you miss British summer ;)
I LOVE the kitten shot. They are so darn cute at that stage!! The barn swallow images are gorgeous! I hope they do stay around for you - and the babies too.
I do so enjoy hearing how things are going for you and watching your progress with your babies. They are so beautiful. I hope they realize how lucky they are to be in your capable hands for their care.
I will echo what everyone else is saying about your visit to the surgeon. I know how disappointing it can be to not get the good news you were expecting. I hope things go well for both of you and please know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
I hope you have a wonderful, and cool, weekend. Take good care!! {{{HUGS}}} to both of you. - and to the Brat as well :)..... he's just being a little boy.
I knew the minute I saw the kitty it was catgblogging day. You're such a big help getting me oriented to which day of the week it is. Normally I haven't a clue. LOL
The flies sound dreadful! I hate when the foals get to that funky moth eaten stage but that sure doesn't stop it from happening.
Hope your day was more tolerable.
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