I have been editing photos and getting them ready for Larry to put on my website. They are all up now but I had to share these shots with you. These classes were the last ones of the show on Sunday evening. They were the children's in hand trail class and Pet pony class. The one judge in the grey jacket was exceptional with all of the children, she was quite a character and kept us laughing all weekend. She walked through the course with the children as can be seen in the first shot, but she was jogging when they needed to trot and really made it fun for them all. The second judge is at the back.

This little guy was determined to do it because each child got a "prize" at the end of the course. His father was going to help him but he wanted nothing of it. The judge kept a close eye on him and guided the pony when it needed to be without letting on that the boy wasnt doing it all himself. He is so tiny and he did a great job.

This was his choice of prize at the end, complete joy and happiness LOL. These children are our future and it was so nice to see someone take the time to talk to the children in all of their classes, giving them advice and reasons for the decisions she made so that they could learn from it.

Taxes is doing really well, I managed to change his dressing today without too much drama, he is settling right down. It was dreadfully hot, in the 90s by 6pm this evening. I am still editing photos, will carry on tomorrow. I will also try to let Taxes have a bit of exercise tomorrow after I put all the horses in, I don't want a repeat performance so it is better to take the distractions away then he will have no reason to go through the fence.
Well my blogging buddies, I am off to bed, tomorrow is another day. We are expecting temps in the 90s for the next 5 days at least and everything is so dry. The pasture down the road is keeping the mares fat but unless we have more rain it will be turning into a dust bowl soon. The grass is very short now.
(((Hugs)))) Will catch up on a few more blogs and then turn in.
Great photos Lori. I love seeing little kids with horses, brings back so many memories for me. I lived for the "pop" race. You tear down to the other end of the arena..hop off your pony..and drink a nice WARM glass of orange pop as fast as you can. You get back on and race back. My brother and I practiced all summer...it was a good excuse to drink lots of soda:-)
Great minds think alike I guess. I did some people shots today too! Love these pictures, especially the one closeup with the little boys leading the horse.
Glad to hear Taxes is doing better. I hope you can get some rain soon. It is drying out here now also.
I appreciate your visit. It is always good to hear from you. The Smokies were fun, you would have enjoyed it. It would have been hard to get you out of the horse show in the Biltmore!
These are all beautiful photographs.
I was concerned about the injury to the horse, Taxes. I am glad he is better and will get to run tomorrow or today. It is dreadfully hot here. I know you take care of the animals and I do myself but mine are wildlife that come here for drinks and food.
It is also a stressful time for trees and flowers and bushes and shrubs. I take care of them too. I watered them last evening.
Today will be a scorcher.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Breakfast
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