This is a "flower" (not sure what it is we get a lot of flowering weeds here which made great colorful subjects) along the side of our drive between the lane and the field fence. It looks like a sputnik LOL. If anyone can shed any light on it I would be grateful.

I got most of the old fence taken down today, now I just have to pull the metal posts out, go to Muncie to buy the timber I need and start digging holes to put the posts in and cement to set them well. I am hoping to find someone with an auger because this clay is rock hard at the moment. I will be relieved when it is built because the babies are getting a bit cranky being cooped up and I cant put Gee out in the bottom of the barn because the yearlings are there and I cant let them out. I worked a bit with two of the yearlings today, they did really well, I dont think it will take them long to learn what I need to teach them in order to be able to take them out to the bigger field.
Brat baby, Taxes (Mike's little buddy) is doing really well, he is growing daily. I am going to have to think about weaning him after the next week or so. His momma really needs the break but I dont have any company for him so that worries me and I dont want to wait until end September when our mare with the baby will come back from Iowa to wean. I think his momma might be fed up by then LOL.
It has been another long day but at least I achieved a bit today, will carry on catching up tomorrow. Hope you all have a great weekend. (((((Hugs))))) to all that need them. You are all always in my thoughts.
Not a clue on the flower. I agree it looks like Sputnik.
I bet those baby swallows are getting hot up there by that roof.
Taxes will just have to learn to be on his own. He's got the spunk to do it!
Take care and have a good weekend.
Lovely shots Lori, I have no idea on the flower either!
Hope you have a nice weekend :o)
That's a really pretty flower! I hope you manage to get the fence sorted. I hate to think of you doing all this hard labour in the heat you're having xxxx
I don't know about the flower either, but I like it. lol
Can't believe I"ve gotten this far behind on your blog.
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